Influences of non-Anglo Americans on American Food and Diet

The Impact of Non-Anglo Cultures on American Food and Diet

The United States is a nation made up of people from various ethnic identities. Since 1820, it is estimated that the nation has welcomed more than 75 million immigrants (Brown, Frank, and Bachmeier 12). Even though Anglo-Americans are the country's largest minority community, their large population and early immigration make them the foundation of American culture. Immigrants from other parts of the world have shaped the United States' food and diet community. Latin American, African, and Asian cultures are the primary food influences in the United States. Non-Anglo American cultures' impact on American food and diet has been primarily due to the development and spread of these cultural communities throughout the United States.

The Influence of Latin American Cultures

The American food culture has had a huge influence from Latin American cultures. This influence stems from the large Latino population in the Southern states. The Latin cuisines were brought into the country by immigrants who were mainly from Mexico. Foods such as salsa and tacos are now popular in the country. Markedly, the popularization of these foods was due to their uptake by big corporate food companies. Chain restaurants such as Taco Bell and Chipotle have become successful in spreading Mexican cuisines in the United States (Pilcher 401). These fast food restaurants found a way to assimilate the Mexican cuisines into the American culture. Nowadays, foods such as tortillas and salsa are growing to overtake the traditional American ketchup and potato chips.

The Influence of African Culture

The African culture has also influenced the American food diet. Markedly, the influence of this culture dates back to the slavery days. The slave traders also brought with them various African ingredients such as chilies. Moreover, the proliferation of the African slave population forced the white slaveholders to grow foods that would feed large populations. These were mainly starch foods such as maize and rice. Further, the African families also brought with them vegetables which they included in their diet. Sesame seeds, okra, and black eyed peas were all introduced to the United States by Africans from the slave trade.

Markedly, the southern states are the most influenced by the African American and the Latin cultures. These states were the most involved in the slave trade, and thus many of African American foods were cultivated and consumed in this region. Moreover, these states are closest to the Latin American countries such as Mexico and Cuba, and thus, many of the immigrants from these nations settled here. These cultures influenced the ingredients and cooking methods used in the South, such as smoking meat.

The Influence of Asian Countries

Asian countries have also influenced the food culture in the United States. Many of the Chinese immigrants came into the country during the Gold Rush era in the 19th century. Many of these Chinese immigrants settled in the western part of the United States, mainly in California. Markedly, the Chinese were skilled in hospitality and food preparations, and they were famed for having the best restaurants in California. Chinese foods and cooking practices have since been integrated into American culture. The American dish of Chop Suey is one of the adaptations derived from Chinese cooking methods (Liu). Notably, although many people believe this dish to have originated from China, it was an adaptation of the Chinese cooking methods to fit American preferences (Liu). Some of the authentic Chinese foods popular in the United States include dumplings and noodles.

The Influence of Indian Traditions

Indian traditions have also influenced the method of food preparation in the United States. Markedly, traditional dishes in America are made using few necessary ingredients while adding very few spices. In contrast, Indian dishes encompass a variety of ingredients and different spices (Rosbrie). These dishes are also labor intensive and require a lot of time to prepare. The trend of using a mixture of spices is used to make various dishes in the United States (Rosbrie). Further, dishes such as curry originate from India.

The Influence of Italian Immigrants

Italian foods are also popular in the United States, and they were mainly introduced by Italian immigrants. Pizza, which originated from central Italy, has become a favorite dish for many people in America (Girardelli 315). Additionally, Italians are believed to have spread the culture of using tomatoes in a variety of dishes. Markedly, many dishes in the U.S. now include tomatoes as one of their ingredients. Other dishes that originate from Italy include pasta, linguine, and ricotta cheese.

Authentic American Foods Influenced by Non-Anglo Cultures

Notably, some of the foods thought to have authentically begun in America are also influenced by other non-Anglo cultures. For instance, sausages and hotdogs are thought to be authentically American. However, these foods are believed to have originated from Germany in the 19th century (Hirschman). Hotdogs are known as "Wiener" in the German dialect, and the name reflects the geographical town of Vienna in Germany which is famous for producing the German hotdogs (Hirschman).

The Popularization and Spread of Non-Anglo Cuisines

Non-Anglo communities have also influenced the distribution and popularization of various cuisines. Markedly, many ethnic communities in the United States lived in ethnic enclaves in the past due to factors such as segregation and poverty. However, as these communities gained more opportunities, they became dispersed in many parts of the country. Some of the immigrants and people from other ethnic backgrounds saw a business opportunity in opening diners and restaurants to serve the dispersed ethnic communities their cultural meals. This phenomenon led to the introduction of various ethnic cuisines in different regions in the United States. The spread also led to the wide consumption of these foods as they were also consumed by people from other communities. Greeks are famous for running diners where they would sell cheap cuisines (Hirschman). They are credited for the popularization of hotdogs in the United States. Nowadays, many restaurants sell ethnic foods in almost every major city in the United States. These include Indian, Chinese, and Mexican restaurants.


All in all, various cultures have influenced the American diet. Latin American dishes, such as tortillas and tacos, have become famous across the country. African ingredients, such as sesame seeds and okra, are also used in American dishes. Dishes such as chop suey and noodles are inspired by Chinese food cultures. The use of a variety of spices in foods is also believed to have originated from India. Notably, most of these foods were introduced into the United States through immigration and the slave trade. The adoption of these ethnic dishes by big food corporations also increases their adaptation into the American culture. Moreover, the spread of immigrants across the United States has also caused the wide inclusion of these ethnic foods into the American diet. Markedly, most of these foods are adapted to fit the American palate.

Works Cited

Brown, Susan, Frank Bean, and James Bachmeier. “Aging societies and the changing logic of immigration.” Generations 32.4 (2008): 11-17.

Girardelli, Davide. “Commodified identities: The myth of Italian food in the United States.” Journal of Communication Inquiry 28.4 (2004): 307-324.

Hirschman, Charles. “The contributions of immigrants to American culture.” Daedalus 142.3 (2013): 26-47.

Liu, Haiming. From Canton Restaurant to Panda Express: A History of Chinese Food in the United States. Rutgers University Press, 2015.

Pilcher, Jeffrey M. “Taco Bell, Maseca, and slow food: A postmodern apocalypse for Mexico’s peasant cuisine?.” Food and culture: A reader (2008): 400-410.

Rosbrie, Trista. “How Has Indian Food Culture Influenced Western Cuisine?” American Expert, 16 Mar. 2015,

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