Essays on Corporations

The Pros and Cons of Antisocial and Prosocial Behaviors

Both pro-social and antisocial behaviors are voluntary actions, but the former is intended to benefit another person or group of people, while the latter seeks to harm or disadvantage another individual or group (Hyde, Shaw, " Moilanen, 2010). This discussion describes prosocial and antisocial behaviors depicted in two advertisements and...

Words: 855

Pages: 4

Monkey Business Illusion

Mischel, W. (2014). The marshmallow test: understanding self-control and how to master it. Random House. Hypothesis The primary hypothesis in this study focuses on the fact that delayed gratification is a concept that one can learn if they change the way they think about a situation or habit. The null hypothesis involves...

Words: 649

Pages: 3

The Impact of Transformational Leadership Style on Organizational Performance

In my view, leaders’ understanding of the employees’ culture and identity is crucial in implementing organization vision and influencing the employees’ commitment to the said vision. Transformational leadership style affects positively managers’ understanding of the employees’ culture since it serves to enhance morale of the followers through a set of...

Words: 401

Pages: 2


I managed a score of 55.56% in the lying test. The score was rated as satisfactory, which was worse than I had expected. I had hoped to be able to identify lies more easily. However, the current score suggests that I would not be in a position to identify an...

Words: 604

Pages: 3

Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

Increasing Women in STEM Over the years there has been the need to increase the number of women in STEM-related jobs, a move that has intensified because of the need to have a win-win situation (Diekman, et al 2010, p. 1051). That is, the society would benefit from having several STEM...

Words: 694

Pages: 3

The Importance of Rick Piltz's Actions as a Whistleblower

In 2005: Blow the Whistle In 2005, Rick Piltz resorted to blowing the whistle concerning a cover-up where Philip Cooney intended to thwart reports concerning global warming from reaching the members of the public. As a way of ensuring that he prevented the deceit concerning Carbon IV Oxide level in the...

Words: 1219

Pages: 5

Retracting Adverts in the Workplace

Firstly, I would retract the particular adverts that are causing the uproar among a section of the public. Mr.Donald seems to be a patronizing boss who believes that his views are supreme. Therefore, it would be difficult to persuade the owner to adopt a different perspective especially given the response...

Words: 252

Pages: 1

Organizational Reorganization

In today’s world, businesses and organizations more often than not feature modularly structured frameworks. This approach is in a bid to have these different and autonomous components achieve individually set goals that will benefit the organization as a whole when coalesced with minimal overlap of interaction. This minimalistic approach, while...

Words: 320

Pages: 2

The Importance of Short-term Scheduling in an Organization

According to Heizer and Barry (616), short-term scheduling is the allocation of the available limited resources and time in the occurrence of an event that may interrupt current processes. Short-term scheduling is of great strategic importance to corporations in both the internal and external environments.             First, Short-time scheduling creates an...

Words: 231

Pages: 1

The Importance of Powerful Questions

If asking powerful questions is essential, why don’t many people spend ample time structuring and framing the questions? It might be due to the influence of the western culture which mainly aims at getting the correct answer other than understanding the posed question. Also, our education system also requires more...

Words: 2561

Pages: 10

The Boeing Crisis

Boeing is among the leading aircraft manufactures and has been producing planes since 1916. However, by 2008, the company was hit by loss of market share brought about by several factors. Some of these reasons include delays in delivering ordered planes, problems with the planes that were delivered and compensation...

Words: 361

Pages: 2

Accounting Manager

Responsible for the financial health of the company. Producing financial reports and developing strategies based on financial research. Guiding senior executives in making sound business decisions in the long and short term. Job’s Scope The finance manager would be managing a team of 9 employees including 2 supervisors and 2 junior accounts...

Words: 256

Pages: 1

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