Interview with Uncle Jack

Since I was a child, Uncle Jack and I have been close. He was around more often than my father, in my memory. I was therefore surprised to learn from him that he had cancer for a while. Despite our near proximity, I chose to interview him because I was...

Words: 1761

Pages: 7

The identification of a suspected ectopic pregnancy

A probable ectopic pregnancy is identified by a multistage approach that includes clinical manifestations, history, and physical examination. The notion is backed by differential diagnoses, where the conventional triad of vaginal bleeding, discomfort, and amenorrhea cannot establish clinical identification sufficiency due to nonspecific symptoms. These are also the major symptoms...

Words: 294

Pages: 2

cancer of colon

Introduction Colorectal cancer is a type of cancer that occurs in the colon and rectum. The most prevalent form of gastrointestinal cancer is colorectal cancer (AlSohaily, Biankin, Leong, KohonenCorish, Jemal, 2014). Its prevalence, on the other hand, is about equivalent in all genders. It is the second leading source...

Words: 2324

Pages: 9

Digital Age Medicine and Connected Health

NantHealth - Transforming Healthcare with Technology NantHealth is headquartered in Culver City, California, and is a subsidiary of NantWorks. The organization is engaged in several activities, including creating and promoting a variety of holistic and systematic healthcare solutions. The business is particularly interested in healthcare technology. The company s goal is...

Words: 598

Pages: 3


Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by uncontrollable cell growth and division, which results in the formation of malignant tumors in body parts adjacent to the cells. Finding out what causes cancer is difficult, but research suggests that environmental pollution, microwave radiation, and obesity are all possible causes. It's...

Words: 1463

Pages: 6


Pesticides are commonly used in households, businesses, and agriculture. Several well-designed molecular and epidemiological studies have shown that increased pesticide use is a significant contributor to the increasing number of cancer cases. Individuals exposed to pesticides as bystanders and those who are active in the release of such pesticides, also...

Words: 1926

Pages: 8

Prostate Cancer

According to previous research, Prostate Cancer affects two percent of men between the ages of 15 and 45. Over the last 30 years or so, the disease's prevalence has been steadily increasing. The problem arises from a lack of understanding and awareness of the disease, its causes, and risk factors...

Words: 1860

Pages: 7

Henrietta Lacks Multi-Billion Cells

Medical progress is heavily reliant on the utilization of human cells and tissue. Cells and tissues are used for analysis and later use in diseases such as polio and cancer, as well as medical techniques such as assisted fertilization and gene mapping. The selection and use of certain cells and...

Words: 2005

Pages: 8

Genetic Testing

Multifactorial Diseases Multifactorial diseases demand greatest medical interest today. They are becoming responsible for the biggest number of deaths in many parts of the world today. Health deviations make a contribution largely to these diseases. Some of the common multifactorial illnesses include cancer, diabetes, psychiatric infections and among others. Diseases distribution...

Words: 330

Pages: 2

how my mother died of uterus cancer

Cancer: A Silent Destroyer Cancer is a disease that destroys invisibly. Under my control, it progressively impaired my mother. She squandered her life away without even realizing it. A person's vitality, capacity to think, desire to live, finances, and enjoyment are all stripped away by sickness. It annihilates families like a...

Words: 1304

Pages: 5

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