Essays on Business

A business essay should reflect your knowledge and understanding of the business world, its tendencies, terminology, and development. The business has been around since even before the invention of money – it existed in a form of trade. Business is also one of the main reasons why people left their native countries and ventured out into the world. Modern-day business is also not commonly contained within a single country, but shifts towards a more global scale, making the writing of Business essays ever so complex and demanding. Our Business essay samples will surely help you with an understanding of contemporary business. However, when essays on Business consume more time than you can spare, we are here to lighten the load.

Workplace Stress Study

The workplace in many organizations has become a stress-filled environment as employees face burdens such as tight work deadlines, lack of job satisfaction, long working hours and also the pressure to perform better than others. According to Grawitch, Gottschalk, " Munz (2006), workplace stress not only affects the well-being of...

Words: 935

Pages: 4

Aims and Objectives of Business

Setting up a business in many cases includes unstated aims and objectives, for instance how to thrive for the first half of the year. However, some enterprises state what they are aiming for directly at the start of the business. A business aims refer to the purpose of the company,...

Words: 2797

Pages: 11

Importance of Higher Pay in Increasing Productivity

People's Motivation and Higher Pay People naturally require motivation to work. Consequently, they can be motivated by a higher pay to add more effort to their work and thus increase productivity. When one's payment is increased due to work is done, the person due to gratitude can increase his/her efforts at...

Words: 476

Pages: 2

The Role of Psychological Capital

It is upon the leaders and managers to have an unusual ability to apply substantial energy in the organisations today. Their position gives them mandate to inspire the operations and processes that occur in the workplace as well as the lives of the employees. A leader's opinion concerning a specific...

Words: 5016

Pages: 19

Job Description of Marketing Manager

The marketing manager is responsible for formulation and management of marketing strategies and policies that will help the company develop a competitive edge in the market while at the same time build upon a keen interest in customer satisfaction (Roberts, Gary, Seldon, and Roberts 2013). However, the marketing manager work...

Words: 2247

Pages: 9

Financial Analysis of ETCO Engineering Limited

ETCO Engineering Limited is a family-owned enterprise, which has headquarters in the West Midlands, UK. The company was founded in 1973 by Harry Clarke who managed the firm until 2014 when his daughter Lauren and son Charles took over. Following the transition, the firm’s performance has been on a downward...

Words: 1776

Pages: 7

Analysis of Financial Statements

Trend analysis is the overall growth of the key financial statement aspects to include of the sales and income which is based on the original year of study. In our case, our analysis will be based on the previous year which clearly shows the trend of analysis within years. year Net profit growth percentage...

Words: 1628

Pages: 6

The Rationality of Unison Trade Union

An organisation is a complex system that is structured systematically and includes a group of people backed by a management system that provides a collective effort towards the achievement of specific goals and objectives. It also provides the incentives to ensure the recruitment of other people to join in meeting...

Words: 2266

Pages: 9

The Impact of Minimum Wage on Unemployment

The minimum wage has been a contentious issue in most countries in the world. There are proponents and antagonists for the issue and many concerns have been raised about the benefits and pitfalls of each argument. In the United Kingdom, the government and bodies such as Low Pay Commission (LPC)...

Words: 2212

Pages: 9

GM Motors: Market Failure Analysis

The Strength of Market Focus The strength of any company lies in how well it can produce and deliver very unique and specific commodities that no one else in the market. GM Operates in the highly competitive market and the absence of focus makes it quite vulnerable. The management has become...

Words: 1640

Pages: 6

The Importance of Globalization in IEC Electronics

IEC Electronics is an American company in New York established in 1966 and deals with electronic components. IEC Electronics manufactures electronic components such as circuit boards, electrical cables, and wires for different industries including the military, healthcare, transport industry among others. Additional activities done by the company are such as...

Words: 429

Pages: 2

Organizational Culture and Mergers and Acquisitions

Organization cultural element is a critical issue in mergers and acquisitions. Over the years, mergers and acquisitions have become a global spectacle and a popular strategic choice for the growth and expansion of companies. Organizational culture emphases on the manner in which corporate partakers experience and make sense of organizations. It...

Words: 818

Pages: 3

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