Cross Cultural Management The Singapore Culture

Culture is a social artifact that develops as a result of social contact, either intentionally or unintentionally. Ceremonies, customs, language, symbolism, the design of work environments, the use of technology, and a group's problem-solving procedures or tactics are all examples of culture. The culture of people is much affected by...

Words: 2438

Pages: 9

Biggest earthquakes in the history of China

On May 12, 2008, one of the largest earthquakes in Chinese history struck Sichuan (Northwest of Chengdu). The magnitude of the earthquake was 8.0 on the Richter scale (Han Q., Du, X., Liu, J., Li, Z., Li, L. & Zhao, J., 2009). The epicenter of the earthquake was located 80...

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Pages: 7

The Bengal fan - the world’s largest submarine fan

The Bengal Fan The Bengal fan, also known as the Ganges fan, is the world's largest undersea fan. It is situated near the countries of India and Bangladesh. This fan formed as a result of Himalayan uplift and Tibetan plateau erosion processes that occurred along collision plates in India and Bangladesh....

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Nursing education in Ireland and China

The current study sought to compare nursing education in Ireland and China. The comparison covered a variety of topics, including the history of nursing education, the current education system, graduate-level nursing education, and discussions about the state of nurse education in the two countries. The progress of nursing education in China...

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Pages: 5

Singapore Vocational Education and Training

Vocational education in Singapore Vocational education is the training and education that aims to provide people with knowledge, know-how, skills, and/or competencies relevant to a certain occupation and/or the labor market in general (, 2017). It can also be defined as any type of training that allows students or employees to...

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Pages: 3


I was always perplexed by the whole debate around North Korea's ballistic missile tests until I read Mandelbaum's article, "Is major war obsolete?" Mandelbaum's ideas have helped me gain meaningful insight into the concept of war, with particular focus on issues such as the cost of a major war, the...

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An International Research Paper

The People's Republic of China The people's Republic of China has a number of shoe manufacturing enterprises whose products are sold all over the world. China is seen as a unitary and sovereign state in eastern Asia (Chen & Feng, 2000). Form of Government The country features an unusual form of government, with...

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Pages: 5

Deciding India’s Lingua Franca

India's ability to have an impact on business and culture around the world is demonstrated by the fact that it has one of the greatest economies in the world. India's political and economic reforms over the years are to thank for its alluring economic and cultural identity. According to statistics,...

Words: 4527

Pages: 17


The biggest persistent problem with US foreign policy today is North Korea's unrelenting pursuit of its nuclear programs, which it does with complete disdain for global security. In essence, because historically America has never established diplomatic relations with North Korea, mediation talks do not currently have a platform, and armament...

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Pages: 11

Ram ke Naam/In the Name of God,1991 documentary

Anand Patwardhan's Documentary and Violence in India Anand Patwardhan's documentary is regarded to be the root cause of violence in India. Anand shows the campaigns of a Hindu faction known as the Vishva Hindu Parishad to demolish the Bibra Masjid Muslim mosque and replace it with a Hindu temple devoted to...

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Pages: 2

Social Problem Comparative Analysis

The purpose of the essay is to examine the overpopulation crisis affecting China and Indonesia. An unfavorable circumstance known as overpopulation occurs when the current population significantly exceeds the planet's carrying capacity. Indonesia is one of the top five most populous nations in the world. It is a unitary sovereign...

Words: 2623

Pages: 10

Understanding Malay Society and Culture

Malaysian Culture Because of the wide range of people living there, Malaysia has an extremely diversified culture. Taking the Malays as an example, who are an ethnic subgroup of the Austronesian people. The Malay peninsula, coastal Borneo, and eastern Sumatra are all home to the main ethnic groups from the Philippines and...

Words: 1285

Pages: 5

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