Definition Essays

When it comes to writing a definition essay, the most important is to be precise and provide a definition that can be supported by facts, statistics, or reliable examples. Even if you must deal with a philosophical matter, a definition essay must offer various interpretations of a term or a belief by explaining the basics behind each academic direction. Use our free essay examples as a source to learn more about definition essay structure and the formatting rules. In most cases, you should turn to dictionaries and scientific journals as it is done in most definition paper samples that we provide, yet avoid Wikipedia as it is usually among the forbidden sources to use in a typical college or university environment.

The Dilemma of Duty and Empathy in Frank O'Connor's "Guests of The Nation" and George Orwell's "Shooting an Elephant"

Sometimes we are faced with difficult decisions Sometimes we are faced with situations that put us in dilemma on what decision we should take. In such situations we might end up making either the correct decisions or the wrong ones. Frank O’Connor’s “Guests of the Nation” and George Orwell’s “Shooting an...

Words: 657

Pages: 3

Coat Of Many Colors by Dolly Parton

"Coat of Many Colors" By Dolly Parton is about the aspects of having a good heart despite being raised in poverty and appreciating the efforts that her mother made to ensure that she had something to keep her warm. Therefore, the essence of the song is to appreciate her mother...

Words: 652

Pages: 3

The Evolution of Communication

Over the decades, communication has been one of the most evolved aspect with reference to human life. Today, with the press of a button, any form of message is sent regardless of the physical location or distance form the sender of the recipient. This has been the case with today’s...

Words: 1433

Pages: 6

Consumer Concerns on the Right to Expect Quality and Safety in the Food They Purchase

For the past two decades, food scares have been numerous in the United States food supply chain. Food safety is a universal concern because every individual has to consume food. Following this fact, consumers and producers have to take active roles in quality and safe production of food. Failure to...

Words: 920

Pages: 4

Some Lessons From The Assembly Line

Answer the following questions to help you construct a draft of your Critical Analysis essay 1. After re-reading your selected article, write a 3-4 sentence overview of the work, briefly describing main points and your thoughts about...

Words: 1739

Pages: 7

The Issue of Drugs Legalization, Prohibition and Policy Reforms

The Issue of Drugs Legalization, Prohibition, and Policy Reforms The issue of drugs legalization, prohibition and policy reforms has always sparked heated arguments from different groups supporting either of the side. Proponents of legalizing drugs base their arguments on the fact that the United States (US) continues to spend billions of...

Words: 1553

Pages: 6

Effects of Technology on Empathy

Empathy is the propensity that enables people to understand each other’s perspective even though the outlook might be different from their own. For instance, to facilitate flexibility, anonymity, and accessibility, and communication from a distance need to be through social networking, text messaging and chat based applications.             Personal thoughts and...

Words: 294

Pages: 2

Dead Celebrity Business

John Lennon, Michael Jackson: Do celebrities die anymore? Essay outline I. Introduction A. Thesis statement B. Background information II. The argument for the thesis statement A. Dead celebrities continue...

Words: 839

Pages: 4

The Evolution of Classic Rock

Introduction Nowadays, people are heavily exposed to pop, rap, and electronic music. In the past, the genre that dominated the world was classic rock. Classic rock is still played today, as exemplified by the radio station called 94.9 FM. Classic rock began in the mid-1960s and continued until the late 1980s....

Words: 1054

Pages: 4

The Concept of Good Person

In our harsh world, where the life of most people is like an endless struggle for survival, and where everyone tries to take the best place, often in an unfair way, it is very difficult to remain a good person. In general, for many of us this is given with...

Words: 913

Pages: 4

The Impact of Fake News on US Independent Government Institutions

Fake news is a report characterized by sensationalized, inaccurate, and misleading content whose primary goal is to misdirect, gain undue attention, and deceive both the target audience and spoil reputation for those under attack by the peddled propaganda. Contrary to misinformation, which could be as a result of confusion on...

Words: 3697

Pages: 14

Impact of Night Shift Nursing on Patient Outcomes, Satisfaction and Nurses Fatigue

For centuries, many hospitals have always had the traditional concept of eight-hour shift. The trend later changed, and nurses began taking the 12-hour shift. With such an arrangement, the program made sure that nurses had a three-day change on a weekly basis to balance their flexibility and work life. However,...

Words: 2158

Pages: 8

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