Essays on Tradition

Everyone wrote a tradition essay at least once. Tradition essays are a great excuse to learn about your local culture and its origins. Curiously, the modern world shows increasing interest in traditions – local crafts, folklore, literature, music, spiritual, culinary, and medicinal practices. By experiencing them, humans delve deeper into the origins of culture and learn to cherish unique national favor. Traditions often include guidance, lessons on ethics and esthetics, rules, and ways of everyday life. We compiled some exemplary tradition essay samples for you to browse while working on your essay – viewing samples helps gain perspective on the topic. Some essays on tradition prove to be more difficult for students, so we don’t simply provide insight, but write complete essays on request.

Mythology and literature in English

A theory is a common narrative that has been used repeatedly to justify or address questions about the history of something, or about the social or natural phenomenon that leads to the existence of objects as they are. Neil Gaiman uses the mythology of contemporary storytelling and fantasy to relate...

Words: 1540

Pages: 6

Anglican Tradition Theological Essay

Many denominations have emerged as a result of the growth and spread of Christianity around the world. According to Oliver (2015), these sects have different traditions, values, adherents, and doctrines when it comes to their Christian beliefs. Furthermore, denominations continue to grow and integrate into sub-denominations, resulting in the emergence...

Words: 1938

Pages: 8

Family Identity, Food Traditions, and Social Structure

1. In my house, one of the most critical ritual meals is the Thanksgiving feast, which must include a stuffed turkey. It is an important feast for thanksgiving and reaffirming ideas and assumptions relevant to American cultural and social solidarity (Williams-Forson, 2008). The family gathered physically and emotionally for the...

Words: 1012

Pages: 4

Religious Family Tradition

In the preceding years It has been a family tradition to attend New Years Eve celebrations in our local church. Since I used to be young, our parents made it mandatory for the whole household to participate in the service as we usher in the New Year. A Reggae Concert to Usher...

Words: 609

Pages: 3

The Milk Maid by Johannes Vermeer

The Milk Maid is a painting done by Johannes Vermeer . It is one of the most influential paintings done by Johannes Vermeer and was inspired by his era and their tradition. Portrayed in the background of the painting is the foot warmer which is a perfect replication of what...

Words: 1025

Pages: 4

Changes in the Gender Roles of Women in West Africa Over Time

West African Women: Changing Roles and Responsibilities West Africa has various societies inhabited in countries with various geographies, social customs, religions, and historical circumstances. Irrespective of these variations, it is possible to examine the ties between women in these societies while juxtaposing the changes that have belimped in their roles over...

Words: 1689

Pages: 7

About social traditions

Traditions are practices or values that are handed on in a culture because of their symbolic meaning. Throughout the world, diverse cultures adopt and follow a number of rituals that have important significance for them. Specifically, many rituals have been followed for thousands of years without sacrificing their significance. The...

Words: 1458

Pages: 6

Story of an Hour

Forbidden Joy of Independence and the Oppressiveness of Marriage Kate Chopin's The Tale of an Hour is a reflection of late-nineteenth-century customs in which most of American society retained the profoundly rooted norm that women are inferior and should therefore remain dependent on their husbands. Women were essentially supposed to cook,...

Words: 1002

Pages: 4


Christmas is the each year festival that commemorates the birth of Jesus observed on twenty fifth December as the cultural and religious celebration among billions of character around the globe. The fiesta evolved over two thousand years ago into the international secular and religious celebration integrating several pagan and pre-Christian...

Words: 561

Pages: 3

African Traditional movie: Ongka's Big Moka

The Kweika tribe in New Guinea which has a leader recognized as Ongka (big man) was the focus of the film. The willingness to give several gifts in Moka creating alliances and maintaining peace among tribes is what determines the authority of a man. To own uncountable wives and many...

Words: 579

Pages: 3

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