Family structure changes

The term 'family' changed over the course of social growth according to the overwhelming needs and values of society, and its concepts and meanings. No single description for "family" is yet available. For instance, it is defined as "a group comprising of two parents and their children as one unit"...

Words: 1231

Pages: 5

“The Commodity as Spectacle” by Guy Debord

Guy Debord considers the product as his show in chapter 11 of The Society of the show. Commodities have shifted beyond capitalism to form the spectacle where a set of commodified behaviors arising from capitalism are replaced by real world. "The commodity world therefore becomes evident for what it is...

Words: 855

Pages: 4


The definition of "McDonaldization" suggests that fast-food restaurants have become indicative of contemporary paradigms (Benokraitis 111). That is, not only in U.S. culture, but also in the rest of the globe, the concepts introduced in the fast-food restaurant have been commonly used. Benokraitis says that the fast food chain's values...

Words: 319

Pages: 2

A profession that has been central to several events

In the twenty-first century, it is possible to believe that the provision of knowledge has become invaluable to civilization and that it has become a struggle to regulate the kind of information available to the public. The media have been instrumental in many terrorist activities through widespread media reports and...

Words: 1248

Pages: 5


To what degree are modern technical adaptations increasingly effective or weaker movements? Movement have been a core part of culture since time immemorial. They promoted social aspects like jobs, housing and government action. But in the 21st century, social and technical dimensions have been massively expanding and advancing (VOA news, you tube)....

Words: 1274

Pages: 5

Practices and Policies in Education

Role of Education Policy in Resolving the Needs of Students from Diverse Backgrounds Education policy has a role to play in resolving the negative needs of students from diverse backgrounds in society. By promoting the accomplishment of the kids' dreams, the school system controls a little of the inequalities in the...

Words: 641

Pages: 3

The cultural development from the past

The humanities of contemporary life have been subjected to a number of events from the past's cultural growth. The community of roles has had a huge influence on modern society (Dewald, 2001). Humanities exercises from the Renaissance, Medieval, Classical, and Modern historical periods had a significant impact on societal living...

Words: 2333

Pages: 9

Effective Leadership Demonstration

The idea of leadership dominates contemporary society. An individual's success is closely linked to personal discipline, representing in turn leadership skills. In different organisations, leaders will influence others to achieve favorable results (Judge and Piccolo, 2004)). But it is important to think creatively and objectively in accordance with the various...

Words: 1177

Pages: 5

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