Essays on Social Inequality

Structural Violence

Structural Violence Structural violence is defined as violence that results from the way that a population's many suffering individuals are made more vulnerable by political and economic pressures. In particular, infectious or parasitic disorders cause the majority of the misery. However, other factors that contribute to structural violence include rape, torture,...

Words: 498

Pages: 2

Gender inequality in a construction industry

There is ample evidence that men predominate among construction employees. This is the ideal time to introduce change in the workforce with the purpose of resolving the gender imbalance in a labor-intensive industry that has been suffering from a severe labor shortage. Women made up 2.9% of the extraction and...

Words: 3502

Pages: 13

Feminist Praxis

Structural Inequalities and Feminist Practice Structural inequalities in women, gender systems, and changes in patriarchy problems are practices related to feminist practice. Launius and Hassel seek to direct the reader to take the place of an oppressed woman in society (153). The statement includes acts of protest, both big and minor,...

Words: 670

Pages: 3

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