Essays on Race and Ethnicity

Cult can refer to devotion

Cult refers to adherence to an individual or tradition that deviates from conventional societal norms and may be religious or non-religious in nature. Cults share several characteristics with churches, the latter of which applies to individuals that have defied the church in order to satisfy modern society's ideals. Cults are...

Words: 2693

Pages: 10

the Rural Business Diversification

In most cases, the most productive way to ensure that one remains on the rural businesses is to ensure that one knows how to diversify their businesses. Looking at the big picture when running one's day-to-day business can be very difficult in some cases, necessitating the guidance of numerous professionals...

Words: 2317

Pages: 9

E-commerce Model for Bank of Plenty design

The features of e-commerce have enticed most businesses to integrate its use into their operations. These businesses have developed platforms that are best suited to their needs and conduct follow-ups to ensure that they remain relevant. They also make certain that all operations are in accordance with current laws and...

Words: 2185

Pages: 8

a cultural background

Cultural Variations in International Business Cultural variations have gained a great deal of recognition as a result of globalization over the years. Culture has emerged as a significant factor in international business, with the ability to appreciate the culture of the other party being critical in closing business transactions.Cultural Foundation of...

Words: 336

Pages: 2


People express themselves through music Music is one of the mediums used to demonstrate diversity. In their heart, musical works serve as a conduit for humans to communicate with themselves and others. It is a platform where people can find a sense of belonging. The fact can be observed and linked...

Words: 2092

Pages: 8

the history of art

Giovanni Battista Pittoni: The Early Years Giovanni Battista Pittoni was an Italian painter born in Venice and one of the founders of the Venice Academy of Fine Arts. Pittoni Francesco, his uncle, educated him and he came from a group of specialists. In the eighteenth century, he started his work ahead...

Words: 2257

Pages: 9


Introduction It is undeniable that each Goe Pie development has a meaning and tells a specific historical and/or personal tale.First Impression I still recall how I felt when I first walked into the exhibition hall a week ago. She had evoked an exotic imperial emotion in me with her dramatic themed gowns...

Words: 632

Pages: 3

about leadership

The term diversity refers to the presence of individuals of various backgrounds and races in an institution or community. Individuals in a complex world would most likely have different thoughts and behave accordingly as a result of cultural differences (Banks 1). There must be something about a community that brings...

Words: 588

Pages: 3

Cultural Systems and Indigenous Religions

In essence, indigenous religion is a faith that has evolved and is affiliated with a certain ethnic community. There is a wide group of ethnic religions practiced by various peoples all over the world. While many of the various manifestations of indigenous religions arose in isolation from one another, there...

Words: 611

Pages: 3

about advanced accounting

Businesses are designed to exist in society, and as such, they bear responsibilities to the society in which they operate. As a result, companies plan their activities in such a way that programs targeted at promoting social and environmental well-being are included. As a result, the term is used internally...

Words: 2644

Pages: 10


The Man Who Sent Rain Clouds The tale "The Man Who Sent Rain Clouds" depicts two cultural aspects involving Father Paul and the Native American protagonists. Only God will induce rain in the Christian world, but in the Pueblo world, it is everyone's duty to connect with the cloud people and...

Words: 372

Pages: 2

Summary-Response Topic Barn Burning

The plot of Barn Burning revolves around a black tenant, his white landlord, and the black tenant's son. The occupant had gotten into a dispute with the landlord. The tenant seemed to be unable to regain ownership of his hog. It had ruined crops to the point that the landlord...

Words: 812

Pages: 3

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