Essays on Problems

Lucky's tale

Lucky's Story: Navigating Challenges and Discovering Answers Lucky's story is a common example of how to navigate challenges and discover answers while at the same time targeting the main objectives of the game. Practically, the player has to concentrate on the main points in the game to avoid losing out on...

Words: 836

Pages: 4


Racism remains one of the historical challenges of the world. It is a multidimensional dilemma that exists in different aspects of existence. Various rhetorical artifacts have tried to deal with the problem of bigotry, with films being among the rhetorical methods that capture racism in its various dimensions. This essay...

Words: 1295

Pages: 5

plan for land use

A land-use plan A land-use plan is a framework that aims to govern how land is used properly and successfully to avoid rampant land problems. According to Natcher, David C. (115), Saskatchewan, as a Canadian province bordering the United States, needs land use plans to avoid any potential dispute. Misinipiy Integrated Land...

Words: 338

Pages: 2

Poverty in Rural Areas

The decline in population in the countryside in the U.S. has shown signs of instability, where urban centers continue to rise and rural areas are continually decreasing to promote rural poverty (Fischer, Jordan and Fazley 11). For example, the proportions of rural to urban have increased from 63 per cent...

Words: 2026

Pages: 8

Important Issues Facing the American Middle Class

In the USA, the middle class is trapped and almost disappears in a neutral gear. Most of these families can be believed to have raised wages in more skilled employment in the socio-economic ranks. This may not be the case, though, as most Americans now face several problems that have contributed...

Words: 1500

Pages: 6

Jack London's “To Build a Fire”

To Build a Fire, by Jack London, describes a man's trip through a brutal winter in the snow, facing many problems along the way. The author employs characters, themes, and a blunt tone in the narrative to expose man's battle against nature. Similarly, in general, human beings do not trust...

Words: 660

Pages: 3

The Process of Problem Solving

According to Dr. Ridel, the process of problem solving need to follow five primary steps: identifying the problem. B) Discovering the main reasons of the issue. C) Brainstorming options that can be used to solve the issue. D) Evaluating all picks so as to choose the most appropriate one. Lastly,...

Words: 350

Pages: 2

About Child Beauty Pageants Should Be Banned

Beauty pageants have received many criticisms over the years for being great proponents of vanity among young people. The pageants judge and rate the candidates based on their physical characteristics. Most people perceive these tournaments to be superficial and there is little else to give other than the outer presentation....

Words: 994

Pages: 4

Love is killed by porn

Porn is a societal issue that undermines love, degrades integrity, ruins marriages, fosters violence, and consumes love (Paul 2). There are still no concrete steps in place to counteract the impact of pornography on culture. The following points illustrate the magnitude of the effects pornography has had on culture today,...

Words: 2941

Pages: 11

High cost of college education

Nowadays, the issue of rising higher education costs has sparked heated discussion among policymakers and the general public. In fact, the higher costs of higher education have proved to be an insurmountable barrier for many students living in disadvantaged communities (Barry and Dannenberg 34). In this respect, students are expected...

Words: 2621

Pages: 10

Computer gaming and children

Computer programming in youth Computer programming is a technique/process used to build executable computer instructions to solve problems for the computer. This essay deals with computer programming in youth, a phenomenon that is now popular in this modern age. Among the topics explored are the results of teaching programming to children,...

Words: 1946

Pages: 8

Phobia Treatment and Understanding

Phobias are perceptions of either particular objects or circumstances in other cases. There is little distinction between fear and phobias that are somewhat similar, but vary greatly from each other. In particular, as opposed to phobias that cause serious problems, the fears lack the element of causing or presenting major...

Words: 2101

Pages: 8

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