Essays on Patient

Nursing Administration

An efficient health care system is one that is both systemically organized and acculturated in multiple functionalities that allow both the patient and the health professional to go about their tasks with integrity. It entails doing the right thing at the right time and at the right place. As a...

Words: 1895

Pages: 7

Acupuncture for Low and Back Pain

An Overview of Systematic Reviews An Overview of Systematic Reviews was written by Margot Skinner, Lizhou Liu, Suzanne McDonough, Leon Mabire, and George David Baxter. The goal of this study is to employ several levels of evaluation to create an evidence hierarchy relating to a patient who falls with injury in...

Words: 1388

Pages: 6

The Benefits of Animal Assisted Therapy

Animal-assisted therapy Animal-assisted therapy (AAT) employs animals to help patients improve their physical, social, mental, and emotional functioning. However, this is depending on the demands of the patients, as different animals, such as horses, cats, dogs, dolphins, and rabbits, are utilized in therapy. Animal-assisted therapy is used in a variety of...

Words: 417

Pages: 2

renal failure patient

As a renal failure patient, Jim's urine output began to diminish, albeit it stayed consistent most of the time. Because of his body's tremendous fluid retention, he began to experience swelling in his feet and ankles. Jim would experience drowsiness, exhaustion, confusion, nausea, and shortness of breath at some time....

Words: 558

Pages: 3

history of CF

Based on his CF history, he will require an additional antihypertensive medication. He is now taking a diuretic combination, Maxzide 37.5/25mg once daily, and will require the addition of a beta blocker cocktail. As a result, I shall recommend HCT 50mg/25mg to be taken once day. The beta blocker in...

Words: 366

Pages: 2

high number of older patients

Because of the prevalence of lifestyle diseases and the rise in chronic disease rates among the elderly, there is a large number of older patients who rely on long-term care facilities. Health status deterioration among patients cared for in long-term facilities is widespread owing to a range of variables such...

Words: 1203

Pages: 5

The terms screening and testing

Because of their close relationship, the terms screening and testing are sometimes used interchangeably. According to the reading, testing is a method that involves taking a sample from a patient who has complaints and exhibits particular symptoms in order to diagnose the problem. Screening is the gathering of samples from...

Words: 454

Pages: 2

Ethical Dilemma in Nursing Practitioners Treating Family Members

Best practice for Nurse Practitioners (NPs) worldwide Best practice for Nurse Practitioners (NPs) worldwide stipulates that NPs should not treat themselves, family members, or friends, and that if circumstances require them, they should use the same criteria and caution as they would with non-family members (Buppert, 2015). The responsibilities that come...

Words: 467

Pages: 2

Beta blockers affect the sympathetic nervous systems

Beta Blockers and the Sympathetic Nervous System Beta blockers are medications that modify the normal processes of the sympathetic nervous system by lowering cardiac activity and tension. The sympathetic nervous system in the human body is in charge of activating the autonomous nervous system, popularly known as the fight or flight...

Words: 429

Pages: 2

Blood transfusion Types

Blood Transfusions: Saving Lives in Hospitals Blood transfusions play an important role in saving lives in hospitals. They are used by doctors to replace blood loss after surgery or after a catastrophic injury to a patient. Blood transfusions also help to improve the body's health and prevent further bleeding by providing...

Words: 1045

Pages: 4

Chronic heart failure

Chronic Heart Failure and its Impact Chronic heart failure remains a global challenge, affecting the social and economic lives of patients, families, and the healthcare system. The disease happens regularly, requiring patients to visit a healthcare center for surveillance and hospitalization on a regular basis, lowering their quality of life. The...

Words: 1392

Pages: 6

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a condition that causes the kidneys to gradually lose function over time. This is an essay about Ms. Jenna, who appeared four years ago with varied symptoms linked with CKD. Her condition was diagnosed using a variety of assessment instruments, and she...

Words: 3367

Pages: 13

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