Essays on Painting

Leonardo Da Vinci's Mona Lisa

The Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci This painting shows a portrait of a woman that is surrounded by her riches. She has her hair and head convered by a veil, and her faint smile runs across her face with her hands crossed to ccapture the gaze of the viewer. Her...

Words: 587

Pages: 3

The painting skills of a virtuoso

Introduction As one of the best of Strapran's prolific art work in Crocker art museum displaying a spectrum of ideas, feel of authenticity and emotional realism best represented by composition of dazzling colors. The empty cherry crate painting shows virtuoso painting skills. Having received several accolades, it is one of the...

Words: 590

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Cornelis van Haarlem, Hercules and Achelous

Cornelis Cornelisz van Haarlem, who lived from 1562 to 1638, was a Northern Mannerism pioneer as well as a Dutch Golden Age painter. The painter was born in Haarlem and received his education in Antwerp. The artist was influenced by Italian painters of the Baroque and Mannerism periods, as well...

Words: 1916

Pages: 7

Frida Kahlo Paintings Analysis

One of the most famous paintings by Frida Kahlo is titled Self-portrait The painting depicts the Mexican artist in a hospital bed covered with blood. It shows her swollen belly, which remains covered with six thin red filaments. Frida was a victim of a natural abortion in 1932. The painting is...

Words: 1447

Pages: 6

Black Images in the American Theatre

These articles painting the struggle of the black community in in crating positive snap shots about them black community through movies and literature. It indicates the difference between black producers and white movie producers. It illustrates the hardships black producers had to undergo earlier than their movies got aired. Additionally,...

Words: 1108

Pages: 5

Théodore Géricault: The romantic era spuring the Raft of Medusa

The Raft of Medusa The Raft of Medusa is a painting that was created by a romantic painter Theodore Gericault between 1818 to 1819. He completed the painting when he was 27 years, and he is still known as one of the French romantic icons till date. The Raft of Medusa...

Words: 326

Pages: 2

The Sistine Chapel

The Sistine Chapel is a chapel in the Apostolic Palace, the Pope s official residence in Vatican City. The Sistine Chapel The Sistine Chapel, once known as the Cappella Magna, is named after Pope Sixtus IV, who supervised its reconstruction between 1477 and 1480. (Salvini 144). Since then, the Chapel has been...

Words: 819

Pages: 3

Robert Rauschenberg

Robert Rauschenberg Robert Rauschenberg is a painter and dancer who uses visual gestures to interact. The Dance at MoMA Creativity is one of the standout features of the dance at the MoMA. The dancers' outfits were both ethical and stunning. The colors of the props matched the colors of the backdrop and the...

Words: 286

Pages: 2

The Great wave off Kanagawa

The Great Wave off Kanagawa, also known as the Great Wave, is a woodblock art item printed between 1829 and 1833 by the Japanese artist Hokusai. The Great Wave is one of the most well-known works of Japanese sculpture in the world. The item represents the Great Wave, which was...

Words: 1514

Pages: 6

Thomas Gainsborough Painting

Thomas Gainsborough managed to persuade his father to support him to study portray in London at the age of 13. Conceding to the plea, the father allowed him, and Thomas went to apprentice with a French Illustrator, Hubert Gravelot, whose experience with Rococo artwork greatly influenced Thomas’ apprenticeship. By the...

Words: 1478

Pages: 6

Art Review

Art is the capability of a human being to express him or herself through creativity. Art allows one to use imagination by depicting the intrigues of existence through a painting, sculpture, literature or music. The expression or art permits people to view life primarily based on different perspectives given that...

Words: 1647

Pages: 6

Ready-to-Wear and Figure in Pink and Yellow Comparison

Ready-to-Wear is a painting designed by Stuart Davis meanwhile Figure in Pink and Yellow by Manierre Dawson, both are American artists. Additionaly, the two paintings are exhibited at the Art Institute of Chicago. Both Ready-to-Wear and Figure in Pink and Yellow are informed by Cubism movement. As such, Stuart and...

Words: 379

Pages: 2

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