Essays on Literary Genres

How should we interpret the theme of death in blackberry picking and blackberry eating poems?

How are we supposed to understand the subject of death in blackberry harvesting and blackberry eating poems? Many scholars have discussed the subject of death; others have used their own particular accounts to symbolize human demise or deterioration of social norms. Human societies, practices, and characters are still inclined to...

Words: 1342

Pages: 5

E.E. Cummings as a Poet

E.E. Cummings: A Rebellious and Innovative Poet E.E. Cummings is one of the leaders in the world of poetry and one of the most innovative people in the field, particularly in the twentieth century. His artistic talent was in his ability to play with the well-known poetic vocabulary and form and...

Words: 1474

Pages: 6

paper of critical interpretation

The Snows of Kilimanjaro by Ernest Hemingway The story I picked for this paper is The Snows of Kilimanjaro by Ernest Hemingway. This short story was published in 1938, and the writer was attempting to show how the lives of the authors had been changed by different changes during that time....

Words: 1661

Pages: 7

Fahrenheit 451

Ray Bradbury is an American writer who is best recognized for his Fahrenheit 451 novel. He authored horror stories and rejected being categorised as a science fiction author. He was born in 1920 in Waukegan. He chose to become a author at the age of 12 and later declared that...

Words: 1153

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Psychological Disorders in film: Analysis of Sterile Cuckoo

Sterile Cuckoo is an American comedy film by Paramount Pictures that was released in 1969. The film tells the story of two young couples who have experienced indifference and inadequacy in their relationship. In particular, the Sterile Cuckoo movie is based on two main characters, Mary Ann Pookie and Jerry...

Words: 1122

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Denver,Sethe and beloved

Toni Morrison s Beloved Toni Morrison s Beloved skillfully delivers on many topics such as slavery, motherhood, ownership, remembrance, and so on; maintains a storyline that incorporates incidents from the past and the present; and introduces crucial characters. Main Characters: Sethe and Denver One of the main characters, Sethe, is a former slave...

Words: 776

Pages: 3

Ten-Minute Play competition

Along with this please find THE Urge, the submission of my ten minutes play to your contest. The novel, written as a drama, has two female characters and a male character, needs different costumes for different characters, one of the requirements for a house in the middle class. THE DESIRE...

Words: 830

Pages: 4

The Giver

The Giver: Predictions of the Present Society The protagonist of the novel "The Giver," Lois Lowry, must have foreseen the link between the time he wrote it and the recent turns of events in 2018. The book is entirely focused on the philosophy of civilization and culture. For example, the author...

Words: 351

Pages: 2

BOOK REPORT: Catalogue of Unabashed Gratitude by Ross Gay.

The Novel and Its Themes The novel is mostly based on the real-life work of one Mr. Gay. He has a selection of their incredible poetry that he uses to illustrate the circle and cycle of life. The Core Poems Burial, Wiping, and Catalogue of Unabashed Gratitude are the three core poems. The...

Words: 310

Pages: 2

In the Waiting Room – Elizabeth Bishop

From a broader viewpoint, In the Waiting Room, written by Elizabeth Bishop, brings to the fore the uncertainty of the I and the autonomy as connected to the old-fashioned limits of the inside and outside of a body. This poem reflects on the reaction of a...

Words: 1545

Pages: 6

Alice Books satire

Lewis Caroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is often misunderstood as simply a journey to a dream world generated by Alice's imaginations. As a result, the books transport the reader to a Wonderland devoid of any link to life. In reality, Matthews defines Wonderland as a place dominated...

Words: 613

Pages: 3

What is a Tragedy

In the sense of theatre, tragedy is characterized as a circumstance in which the main character in the play experiences great sorrow or dies as a result of moral failure, tragic flaw, or inability to cope with difficult circumstances. Aristotle described the tragedy as "the imitation of a serious, full,...

Words: 1250

Pages: 5

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