Essays on Lifestyle

Anxiety and Depression in Millennials

Recent studies in the world today reveal that the society is continually struggling with the growing number of depression and anxiety cases mainly affecting millennials (Luxmoore 38). Anxiety refers to the escalated levels of worry and nervousness of uncertain situations or the future. Depression, on the other hand, refers to...

Words: 1635

Pages: 6

The Evolution of Eating Over the Years

Over the years, the eating habits of the people in the United States have dramatically changed. Regarding diet, the food that the people in the modern days are taking is very different from that which our grandparents and the great-grandparents used to consume. The people’s attitudes towards shopping, cooking, and...

Words: 1380

Pages: 6

Fashion Explained

Fashion as an Expression Fashion is a word that has a significant meaning in my daily life. With each passing day of my life apart from studies, my mind has always deviated and thought about fashion. From choosing the clothes to wear each day, to accessories as well as shoes. Makeup...

Words: 576

Pages: 3

Doctor-Patient Relationship and Satisfaction

This research paper reviews the evolution of the patient-doctor relationship; it mainly focuses on the possible factors that have caused the shifting of this relationship. Many patients are not satisfied with the relationship that they have with their doctors, possible factors could be the gap between generations, medical technological advancement,...

Words: 2596

Pages: 10

The Generation Gap

Admittedly, the world is experiencing a generational overhaul as people continue ageing every day. With modernization as the dominant driving force of the generational change, many aspects of life remain unsettled due to the changing preferences and traditions with each coming generation. The dawning of a new age implies that...

Words: 1780

Pages: 7

The Impact of Smartphones on Children

In the article narrated by Jean M. Twenge, she tries to persuade the audience with a few arguments as to why smartphones have destroyed today’s children. Specifically Jean states that the introduction of the iPhone in 2007, and when high schools were given the iPads in 2010, she coins that...

Words: 866

Pages: 4

Benefits of Vegetarian Diet for Children

The Benefits of a Vegan Diet for Children The idea of embracing a diet composed of vegetable is becoming a trend in the twenty-first century as the debate on what benefits it offers has since erupted. The advantages to children are particularly critical because there a vast range of positive outcomes...

Words: 1392

Pages: 6

Drug Addiction and Emotional Deprivation

Drug addiction is a condition that plagues a significant number of members in our society. Researchers prove that it is caused by a variety of factors like poverty, depression and peer pressure. Those affected effect note only themselves but also their immediate family members. In the text ‘Embraced by the...

Words: 1111

Pages: 5

The Issue of Introducing a Cure for Aging

The Issue of Introducing a Cure for Aging The issue of introducing a cure for aging has been a burning concern currently in our society. It is an essential debate since it concerns human fundamental moral and the effects the medicine will have on the environment. Different versions of arguments have...

Words: 1575

Pages: 6

The Roots of Generational Distrust

Causes of Generational Distrust There can be distrust between generations which can be caused by different factors. The social trust among the millennials is not the same as the trust they have with the older generations. There is some distrust which is evident in the between people from different generations since...

Words: 739

Pages: 3

Pursuing Happiness as a Way to Freedom

‘Man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains.' These are the words of Jean-Jacques Rousseau in his theory of the social contract. It means that freedom is not an obvious thing for a man. How then do you untie yourself from the chains of the world? It is...

Words: 1117

Pages: 5

Inkblots: Tattoos in the Workplace

In the article (Inkblots; Tattoos in the workplace) by the Anonymous, the author’s main idea seems to focus on the issue of the tattoo and the effect it may have in our future especially focusing on different career paths. In addition to the above statement, the author seeks to clarify...

Words: 435

Pages: 2

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