Essays on Lifestyle

Young People Transitioning to Adulthood in Australia

Young People and Transition to Adulthood Young people are the most traumatized, disadvantaged, and vulnerable group in Australia, primarily because they have to face the transition phases characterized by numerous changes, such as home care to independent living. The process of growing up has fundamentally changed from how it was in...

Words: 1890

Pages: 7

Women at Midlife: Implications for Theories of Women's Adult Development

The Midlife Transition in Women The article was written by Lippert (1997) and reviews on the middle transition in women. Having a well theoretical understanding of the midlife transition will be a substantial benefit to the adult’s development in women as numerous myths and misconception surrounding the element of biological changes...

Words: 320

Pages: 2

Diversity in the Fashion Industry

Fashion has substantial impact on today’s society due to promotion by mainstream media and immense online presence. However, the fight for recognition among the disabled has been long and frustrating. The history of physically challenged models is painfully short. In 1997, Nordstrom, a US-based department store chain was one of...

Words: 3617

Pages: 14

The Importance of Graphic Design in Fashion

Fashion can be defined as popular trend or style in clothing, lifestyle, hairstyle, footwear and accessories. While the term can be used in many of the contexts described, it common use is in clothing (McRobbie 3). From the rococo and baroque fashions of the 1700s to the hipsters of the...

Words: 3334

Pages: 13

Psychological Impacts of Online Friends

This paper looks into the psychological impacts of online friendships specifically trying to establish whether they are of value to those involved. In order to do this, it first has to look into what constitutes a friend and friendship, what drives the need to have friends, the psychological and health...

Words: 1513

Pages: 6

Grief and Loss in Children and Adults

People react differently to the losing their loved ones, but one thing is evident across the different segments of populations, others appear upset, others do not. Grief and loss are dependent on individual personality, age, how they react to stress, gender, stage of development, nature of the relationship and previous...

Words: 890

Pages: 4

The Psychology of Fashion

According to Kaiser (2004), the psychology of fashion can be defined as the way of utilising and integrating fashion industry science and human psychology to come up with a curative tool that will assist humans in developing desirable self-perception, personal mood and good behaviour. Hannover and Kuhnen (2002) further suggest...

Words: 2325

Pages: 9

Permanent Makeup Business

My business idea is starting a permanent makeup service in Tampa Bay, Florida. Permanent makeup is a cosmetic technique which uses tattoos as a way of producing designs that look like makeup, such as enhancing the color of the body especially the face. Permanent makeup is also known as tattooing....

Words: 689

Pages: 3

The Democratic Peace Theory

There have been claims that democratic states are more peaceful than autocratic states. This led to refinement of the democratic peace theory. It is believed that as much as the democratic states do fight with other countries, few cases have been reported of a Republican state fighting against another democratic...

Words: 1883

Pages: 7

Generation X and Generation Y: The Housing Trends

This generation expects houses to be technology integrated. Therefore, the houses should have wireless home networks, and more importantly, the houses should be functioning as a unified system rather than having a separate cooling and heating, sprinkler, and entertainment system. This generation also prefers to purchase small houses that are affordable,...

Words: 912

Pages: 4

Type 2 Diabetes Risks and Dangers

Type 2 Diabetes and its Complications Type 2 diabetes is a medical condition that occurs when the process of sugar metabolism is altered. The body’s main source of energy is sugar, and once the way the body metabolizes it is affected, almost all body processes are altered as well. Insulin is...

Words: 989

Pages: 4

The Power of Social Media in Today's Generation

Social Media and its Impact on Society Social media revolutionized the way we communicate as a society and is the focus of a 2014 PBS documentary titled Generation Like. The video explores the power of social communities as well as the impact that they have on the development of teenagers growing...

Words: 387

Pages: 2

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