The Relationship Between Japan and China

One of the most crucial geopolitical developments that are happening today is the growing influence of China globally. The diplomatic, military and economic borders of China have grown both regionally and internationally. However, China shares a peculiar type of relationship with Japan.  The typical financial goals have united them economically...

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Effects of the Bomb on Japanese

World War II and the Atomic Bombings As World War II was drawing to a close, the US released two nuclear weapons upon the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These bombings took place on August 6 and 9, 1945 respectively. It happened right after the states obtained the consent of...

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Cyber Security Threats in Japan

Cybersecurity and Cyber-Attacks Cybersecurity is an overall term encompassing all the technologies, processes and procedures set in place to protect computer networks, personal gadgets, programs and data from malicious damage, or unauthorized access (Dewar 3). Cyber-attack is a malicious or unauthorized access to a personal computer files or programs without the...

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Impact of Minimalism on Canada

There is a close relationship between minimalism and art. Over recent years, fashion bloggers have shown a persistent interest in minimalist lifestyle. The monotony of trends is the best reason to explain this behavior. Adopting a lifestyle that is assumed to be a satisfactory one calls for shifting from a...

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Parenting Styles in Japan and America

Introduction to Parenting by Ponzetti (15), parenting is any form in which we bring up or raise our children in the environment we live in, or they are exposed in. Parenting is a form of supporting and promoting the emotional, physical and the education or intellectual period of a child...

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Analysis of Luxury of Islam Art

Luxury of Islamic Art Luxury of Islam art includes vegetal and floral art, geometrical art and calligraphy. The use of this form of art "conditioned to some extent by the Islamic prohibition of the imitation of living creatures" (Saoud). The artwork did not have a representation of life in them. For...

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Traditional Japanese Marriage Ceremony

During the ancient times, Japanese marriage ceremonies got celebrated with relatives and neighbors around low dining tables (Goldstein-Gidoni 35). The traditional Japanese culture evolved over the centuries, and they began conducting marriage ceremonies it shrines, ceremony halls, and hotels (Goldstein-Gidoni 35). The traditional Japanese marriage ceremony is often performed in...

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Japan is an independent country in East Asia. The island is located in the Pacific Ocean and reaches southwest to the East China Sea and Taiwan. It is often referred to as the land of the rising sun, a reference to its Japanese name, which means'sun origin'. It is made...

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Japan Airlines Flight 123

In 1985, Japan Airlines Flight 123 was planned to take the sixth flight from Tokyo to Osaka at Haneda Airport. Nevertheless, the flight was cut short around twelve minutes after takeoff due to a tremor, cabin decompression, and a loud band. Following then, the plane's essential systems gradually failed, resulting...

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About Murasaki Shikibu

One of the best novelists to come out of Japan's Heian era is Murasaki Shikibu. The Tale of Genji, one of the earliest and greatest stories in existence today, was the subject of her debut novel. Importantly, Shikibu was a member of the Fujiwara dynasty and the daughter of a...

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China-Japan Territorial Disputes

IntroductionJapan and China have been engaged in a persistent disagreement over territorial issues for a considerable amount of time. Both parties require complete sovereignty over the fishing grounds and oil-rich islands of Senkaku and Diaoyu. According to history, Japan ruled the archipelago from 1895 until 1970, when China learned that...

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Nuclear Weapons Abolition Analysis

The potential that came with various discoveries in atomic physics in the early twentieth century had a lasting impact on the face of the world. The discovery of nuclear fission paved the way for the world's first nuclear weapons experience. The bombing of Japan in World War II resulted in...

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Pages: 9

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