Essays on Identity

The Impact of Class on Social Mental

“Class” in Marxist terms, is defined as portraying a person objectively, based on  one's relationship to the methods of goods production. One either has ownership of the means of production, in which case they are with the bourgeoisie, or the ones who have to sell their work, in which case...

Words: 1740

Pages: 7

Meritocratic Social Structure in Contemporary Britain

Meritocratic Social Structure Meritocratic social structure involves a system whereby movement in upward class mobility is achieved through hard work and talent (Young 1994, p.87). Capitalist countries are known to have a meritocratic social structure in which success is based on an individual's effort. The opposite of a meritocratic social structure...

Words: 928

Pages: 4

Social Constructions of Illness

Sufferings and illness in a cultural context Sufferings and illness are universal attributes which come to be endowed with cultural meaning. The cross-cultural framework of illness is appropriate in the comparative study. Cultural understanding of illness They offer a cultural understanding of illness across diverse cultural settings which are addressed by a number...

Words: 413

Pages: 2

The Impact of Ethnicity, Race and Culture on People

The Influence of Ethnicity, Race, and Culture The influence of ethnicity, race, and culture on people raises controversial discussions that have never had amicable solutions. Individuals perceive and judge one another based on where they come from and what their culture dictates as well as their ethnic origin. People around the...

Words: 945

Pages: 4

Gender and Victimization

The Relationship Between Crime and Gender The relationship that exists between crime and gender is one considered as being persistent, deep as well as paradoxical. By looking at statistics of any criminal justice system gender stands as one of the most significant attributes that have an integral role in victimization (Goldblum...

Words: 1057

Pages: 4

The Concept of Feminism in Feminist Economics

Feminist Economics: A Pluralist Approach Feminist economics can be considered as a pluralist comprehensively; various ontological methods are accommodated, to a wide range of ways of research. Notably, it is not evident in seeing reference to feminisms', rather than 'feminism' and these phrases themselves are discussing the pluralism nature inside the...

Words: 1186

Pages: 5

The Importance of Martial Arts for Girls

Parents Always Want the Best Parents always want the best for their children and mine were too. They had taught us to take care of each other, and because I was the man, I had the responsibility of taking care of my sister who was three years younger than me. It...

Words: 1360

Pages: 5

The Role of Fashion in Identity Disclosure

Identity and Fashion Identity is one factor that is considered contentious and a compelling concept in humanity and social sciences. Fashion exhibits social evolution of humans in different aspects. Through appearance style which is either personal interpretations or resistance to fashion, a person announces who they are, who they want to...

Words: 328

Pages: 2

Tattoos and Piercings in the Workplace

The Decision to Hire an Employee and Legal Aspects The decision to hire an employee people should partly depend on the legal aspects that determine if employees or applicants should have tattoos or any other body modifications. First, Elzweig and Peeples depicted that the ever-increasing trend of people with a tattoo...

Words: 346

Pages: 2

Fashion and Identity Construction in the Queer Community

Fashion is a practice that individuals use to express identity Introduction Fashion says a lot about individuals and our society than we can give credit to. Fashion exhibits social evolution of humans in different aspects. Through appearance style which is either personal interpretations or resistance to fashion, a person announces who they...

Words: 2413

Pages: 9

Color Naming in Mursi Community

In the Mursi community there are no terms for colors colors are named and distinguished based on the patterns manifested in the cattle they keep. The Mursi speakers have the ability to distinguish every color whether natural or artificially occurring by their habitual use of cattle patterns. Therefore, the perception of...

Words: 597

Pages: 3

The Social Construction of Gender

The social construction of gender is the anticipated behavioral patterns assumed to follow from the sex of an individual. The manner in which the society is taught to become socialized is more salient and most of the time goes unnoticed, and therefore, it is right to put a claim that...

Words: 405

Pages: 2

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