Essays on Human Body

The Human Form in Ancient Art

The Early Civilization The early civilization, the prehistoric, Aegean, Near East, Roman, and Egyptian tried to represent the human form in their art in different ways. The representation was aimed at illustrating their culture, belief and the world around them. They used artworks such as drawing, painting, and sculpturing to demonstrate...

Words: 900

Pages: 4

Employment of Persons with Disabilities

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) constitutes one of the most fundamental civil rights legislation in the United States. The statute has undoubtedly improved the lives of individuals with disabilities, particularly in increasing their access to employment opportunities. In addition to demanding an end to discriminatory practices against persons with...

Words: 2443

Pages: 9

Employers' Perceptions and Attitudes on Hiring Employees with Disabilities

Many organizations are reluctant to hire candidates with disabilities claiming they would cost them more and continue to deny people with disabilities employment opportunities. However, increased awareness about hiring and accommodations for people with disabilities have made many employers more willing to consider this population when hiring. Despite the increased...

Words: 1740

Pages: 7

Effects of Carbon Monoxide on Human Body

Carbon Monoxide exists as a colorless and unscented gas. Exposure to Carbon Monoxide(CO) can be fatal to human beings. Haemoglobin found in human red blood cells forms a stable compound with Carbon Monoxide thus inhibit transport of oxygen. Victims of Carbon Monoxide exposure may experience general weakness, nausea, headache, and...

Words: 345

Pages: 2

Myths and Misconceptions of Society

In the series Vikings, episode eight of season two there is great concern over the birth of Ragnar's fourth son, Ivar, since he is unlike the others. His birth was a sign of a prophesy come true whereby he was described as being boneless and a monster. From the kingdom's...

Words: 823

Pages: 3

Disability and Ableism

The word able is dated back to 1895 when it was first used. Ableism is a deliberate form of discrimination against people based on their abilities (Bruce, 2016). Ableism insists on inferiority of the disabled compared to the “able.” There are several forms of ableism such as mentalism. Mentalism is...

Words: 2335

Pages: 9

The Impact of Sugar Consumption on Health

Sugar is added to a variety of food to add flavor, reserve the ledge life and achieve desired texture. However, eating excess sugar can have too many negative impacts. Increased consumption of sugar has raised a controversial debate among scholars particularly in the discipline of health sciences, nursing, and nutrition....

Words: 2330

Pages: 9

Tattoos and Piercings in the Workplace

The Decision to Hire an Employee and Legal Aspects The decision to hire an employee people should partly depend on the legal aspects that determine if employees or applicants should have tattoos or any other body modifications. First, Elzweig and Peeples depicted that the ever-increasing trend of people with a tattoo...

Words: 346

Pages: 2

Chuck Baird: An Inspiration to the Deaf Community

Chuck Baird is a renowned artist who in his tenure (1947-2012) contributed significantly to the deaf community, including the establishment of De’VIA, which is a painting that shows the life of a deaf individual within the hearing universe. He was born with the disability of deafness in 1947 in the...

Words: 590

Pages: 3

The Evolution of Teeth

A 19th-century researcher, George Cuvier stated that “Show me your teeth and I will show you who you are”. The dental formation holds quite a legacy from the early ages until the recent times. The teeth usually adapt to the type of diet it is used to regarding strength and...

Words: 1534

Pages: 6

Reading Disorders and Disabilities

According to Lyon (2015), a leading impairment is characterized by a disorder in one or more fundamental psychological processes relating to the comprehension or use of language, whether written or spoken, which may manifest itself as erroneous reading, speaking, listening, spelling, or writing skills. The phrase "reading disability" refers to...

Words: 694

Pages: 3

A delayed discharge

When a patient is deemed healthy enough to be discharged but is unable to do so because plans for their ongoing assistance and care have not yet been finalized, this is referred to as a delayed discharge. The use of nurse-led release protocols, multi-agency discharge protocols to enhance multidisciplinary working, home-based...

Words: 372

Pages: 2

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