Essays on Communication

Influencing Machine: The Media as a Mirror of Society

The Influencing Machine The whole discussion on the Influencing Machine majorly addresses the encounters of the mainstream media in undertaking their day to day roles. The Influencing Machine is said to have been started from the time of the invention of writing and will end approximately in the year 2045. It...

Words: 378

Pages: 2

Analysis of Fake News and Real News

Fake News vs. Real News: The Importance of Information Scheufele and Tewksbury (10) posit that information is an important element of our society and every person is dependent on correct knowledge to make the right decisions and guide one through the complex world. Today, the biggest threat to accessing the right...

Words: 1070

Pages: 4

Is Texting Killing The English Language?

Language and Social Relations- Written Task Language and Literature SL IB. Critics in the last few years have come up strongly against electronic communication through texting on the grounds that it will not only cause the emergence of new vocabularies but will also make the existing ones to disappear. They...

Words: 1046

Pages: 4

The Role of Speaking Up in Conversation

In any conversation, a contribution is exceptionally vital. I tend to speak up while in conversation with other people to show my interest in the kind of conversation and avoid boredom. Why then should I be in the discussion if I keep quiet and what use should be the conversation...

Words: 553

Pages: 3

The Impact of Cell Phones on Communication

All it takes two-minute scrutiny at the surrounding, and it strikes any sound person that the mobile phone is dominating every aspect of people’s conversations. Heralded as the ‘newest drug,’ it is evident that cell phones have proved pivotal in enhancing communication while also, to significant levels, promoting its death....

Words: 619

Pages: 3

The Use of Cell Phones Among Teenagers

The Use of Cell Phones Among Teenagers The use of cell phones among teenagers has become a widespread venture with approximately 24% of the entire youthful population being constantly online due to the accessibility of smartphones. The phones have brought about convenience to the teenagers whereby 92% have to log in...

Words: 688

Pages: 3

The Roots of Generational Distrust

Causes of Generational Distrust There can be distrust between generations which can be caused by different factors. The social trust among the millennials is not the same as the trust they have with the older generations. There is some distrust which is evident in the between people from different generations since...

Words: 739

Pages: 3

Effects of Different Aspects of Language on Communication

Language and its Effects Humans are social beings, and they interact with each other in their daily activities. Language is often used since most of the communication is through speaking. The spoken words are well structured and should be understandable for effective communication. However, there are many different languages in the...

Words: 976

Pages: 4

The Benefits of Letters as Compared to Emails

The purpose and audience of the essay’s draft are primarily for young people to use more traditional techniques to communicate with older people. I think the writer does a very good job by helping the audience understand that a letter would be more effective and more meaningful to senior people....

Words: 556

Pages: 3

The Role of Audience in Creativity and Critical Thinking

Peter Elbow's Argument for Ignoring Audience Peter Elbow writes in his article, "Closing My Eyes As I Speak: An Argument for Ignoring Audience", how audience awareness suppresses creativity and personal intuition in writing. He notes that in most instances, his mind would go blank while trying to address an audience, but...

Words: 919

Pages: 4

Use of Mobile Phones in Schools

In the modern dynamic society, there is a need to reevaluate the stand taken on firm stands on matters such as the use of mobile phones in schools. For a long time, mobile phones have been considered as having a negative effect on the student’s performance. However, a profound analysis...

Words: 884

Pages: 4

The Role of Media in the Lives of Young Girls

In contemporary society, entertainment, pop culture and the media have a significant influence on young children, particularly girls. For instance, some media platforms such as Facebook features models promoting consumption of cosmetics aimed at making girls prettier and happier. Besides, the media creates a notion of self- fulfillment whose attainment...

Words: 1175

Pages: 5

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