Essays on Communication

The Flight from Conversation by Sherry Turkle

In The Flight from Conversation from The New York Times Magazine, Sherry Turkle focuses on the shift towards a technologically connected society. She believes that the trend reflects “a process in which we shortchange ourselves.” Turkle thinks that the current generation is unable to distinguish between conversation and connection.  The...

Words: 500

Pages: 2

The Impact of Social Media on Young Generation

In the present society, the use of social media has been on the rise and has become a section of every individual’s life and especially the young generation. The youths are primarily influenced by the advancement of technology regarding social media in general. Almost every person utilizes social networking sites...

Words: 1526

Pages: 6

Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Communication

Innovation and Technology in Communication Innovation has changed almost every aspect of our lives. Technology can be primarily viewed as a collection of techniques, skills, methods, as well as processes that develop or change a culture. Among the various sectors that have been affected by technology, the communication industry has experienced...

Words: 985

Pages: 4

Rhetorical Analysis of The Central Park Five Documentary

The Central Park Five Documentary The 2012 “Central Park Five” documentary by Ken Burns, Sarah Burns, and David McMahon describes the arrest, trial, conviction and later acquittal of five American youth for the horrific crime of assault, rape, and attempted murder of a female jogger, Trisha Meili on April 19, 1989...

Words: 1551

Pages: 6

Alone Together and Why We Expect More from Technology and Less From Each Other by Sherry Turkle

            The current technological advances in the world have been of greater impact to the society. We are connected in a technological world that is characterized with hi-tech devices such as phones, laptops, and other advanced gadgets. This has made communication easily thus playing a critical role towards connecting...

Words: 2894

Pages: 11

Social Media and Social Integration

Students transitioning from high school to college Students transitioning from high school to college marks a milestone in their personal and social development. They get to leave their parents, high school friends and their normal environments for a new setting knowing that the end goal is to graduate from college and...

Words: 1789

Pages: 7

Application of Contact Hypothesis and Cooperation Hypothesis in Conflict Resolution

Human nature is prone to the in-group associations which results in prejudgment and formation of mainly hostile attitudes based on limited information a situation known as prejudice. As a result, prejudice leads to the development of stereotypes, discriminatory behavior, and even bullying which are the basic aspects of conflict development. Consequently,...

Words: 530

Pages: 2

The Social Media and Its Negative Effects

The Negative Impact of Social Media on Relationships The social media platforms have reshaped many aspects of society. Everyone who owns a laptop or any electronic device with the ability to access the internet cannot resist the temptation of social media. The social media networking platforms such as YouTube, Snapchat, Myspace,...

Words: 2134

Pages: 8

Doctor-Patient Relationship and Satisfaction

This research paper reviews the evolution of the patient-doctor relationship; it mainly focuses on the possible factors that have caused the shifting of this relationship. Many patients are not satisfied with the relationship that they have with their doctors, possible factors could be the gap between generations, medical technological advancement,...

Words: 2596

Pages: 10

The Generation Gap

Admittedly, the world is experiencing a generational overhaul as people continue ageing every day. With modernization as the dominant driving force of the generational change, many aspects of life remain unsettled due to the changing preferences and traditions with each coming generation. The dawning of a new age implies that...

Words: 1780

Pages: 7

Social Media

Recent times have witnessed an increase in the use of social media. Platforms such as Twitter and Facebook facilitate communication and interaction between individuals from different parts of the world. Social sites act as a meeting point for people with different backgrounds and goals in life. Primarily, social media sites...

Words: 927

Pages: 4

The Impact of Smartphones on Children

In the article narrated by Jean M. Twenge, she tries to persuade the audience with a few arguments as to why smartphones have destroyed today’s children. Specifically Jean states that the introduction of the iPhone in 2007, and when high schools were given the iPads in 2010, she coins that...

Words: 866

Pages: 4

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