Essays on Child Development

Pornography and Adolescents

The Negative Effects of Pornography The use and availability of pornography have become pervasive among adolescents and adults. The utilization of pornographic films, video, and literature is coupled with various adverse physical, psychological, and emotional health consequences. These comprise of the high rates of depression, violent behavior, anxiety, sexual promiscuity, negative...

Words: 993

Pages: 4

Why Traveling Back in Time is Impossible

I have many reasons that make me go back in time to my childhood years. Back then, I had a happy and impartial time, something I realized after completing high school. It was the most beautiful time without life stressors, competition on various elements of life, no businesses and no...

Words: 816

Pages: 3

Impacts of Parent Imprisonment on Children

In the world today, imprisonment rate has gone up. Anyone can be imprisoned no matter the age or gender. The principal reason for a prison sentence is to punish the offender. Rather than being a punishment, imprisonment can be of decisive impact once the prisoner has practical, financial, social, and...

Words: 1311

Pages: 5

Tourism in Developing Countries

Tourism and Its Economic Impact Tourism is related to other disciplines including psychology, sociology, geography, etc. and is among the leading and fastest growing industries in the world. Studies indicate that recreational travel and tourism began in the early 1900s when Romans travelled to parts of Greece and Egypt for pleasure...

Words: 1634

Pages: 6

Motivation in the Workplace

Corporate bodies, businesses and charitable organizations rely heavily on human input for their success. The human factor is considered as one of the contributions among others such as machinery, infrastructure, and capital but it comes up superior to the rest. Human capital is directly responsible for the functionality and efficiency...

Words: 2816

Pages: 11

The Importance of Creative Arts in Early Childhood Education

Creative arts incorporates activities in which young children actively participate in involving their imaginations through puppetry, art, drama, dance and music resulting in the enhancement of child learning and development. When applied in early childhood education these activities engage children across all domains from physical, social, emotional, cognitive and language,...

Words: 2268

Pages: 9

The grinding ball

The Secret Lion: Exploring Symbolism in Growing Up The short story "The Secret Lion" tells the tale of two boys trying to maintain their childhood while dealing with the difficulties that come with approaching puberty. The way the author presents the two characters brings out their innate curiosity and sense of...

Words: 1041

Pages: 4

Twelfth Night

The confusion and disorders that are constantly fueling the play's comic genre are catalyzed by errors and disguises throughout. In the drama, several characters adopt guises. In order to create internal strife and confusion among the characters in a way that appeals to the audience, Shakespeare uses disguise in his...

Words: 1459

Pages: 6

The poem “Me gusta andar de noche”

One of the best-known poems by Concha Mendez: "Me gusta andar de noche" One of the best-known poems by noted Spanish poet Concha Mendez is "Me gusta andar de noche." The poem, which Mendez wrote while living in exile in Cuba, first appeared in the 1939 novel El ciervo herido (The...

Words: 944

Pages: 4

Why certain institutions have stopped giving out academic and athletic prizes

The article Why some schools have ditched academic and athletic awards by Caroline Alphonso discusses the reservations some school staff members have about the incentive programs used to inspire primary school students. The elimination of the academic and athletic awards is supported by some of the directors, including...

Words: 832

Pages: 4

Central Conflict in the Play Hamlet

Shakespeare's Hamlet revolves around the protagonist's duty to exact revenge on his relative Claudius for killing his father, King Hamlet. Following the murder of his sibling, Claudius aimed to assume the throne. It takes the ghost of Hamlet's father for him to begin an investigation into the heinous act committed...

Words: 2299

Pages: 9

human right and Disability

Trainer's name: Submission date: Summary of Contents Introduction defining students who are twice extraordinaryAre twice exceptional cases readily missed?5 Students who mask their focus and learning problems with their giftedness5 students whose attentional and learning difficulties conceal their talentFive students who exhibit overlapping patterns of giftedness, focus problems, and academic difficultiesFive pupils in...

Words: 2711

Pages: 10

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