Why Traveling Back in Time is Impossible

I have many reasons that make me go back in time to my childhood years. Back then, I had a happy and impartial time, something I realized after completing high school. It was the most beautiful time without life stressors, competition on various elements of life, no businesses and no need to look for salary. My childhood further reminds me of the great times I had playing with friends and the extent to which my parents sacrificed to give us the best in life. Besides these positive attributes, I would wish to go back in time and fix some of the faults to improve my status.

      Growing up, I was fascinated by the idea of traveling back in time by propounded by classical scholars like Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking using the idea of the warm holes. There were other novels I read on the same subject like meeting strange creature that rules over the world before humans came into being. I am aware that past life events are gone and that traveling back in time is almost impossible,, but every time I look back at my life, there are things I wish I would change. Besides, there are historical achievements and disasters that I would prevent from happening like the creation of weapons of mass destruction that saw many lives lost in the Chernobyl disaster and Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Looking back at the lives of great minds in the world, I would save John F. Kennedy and see the positive impacts he would have on the Americans and the entire world.

       I would further change the course of history and ensure that the historical injustices done on some people do not happen. Preventing these mistreatments will ensure that people in the contemporary world live peacefully without hostility, racism, intolerance, prejudices, and discriminations. Much aware of the current affairs in the world, I would ensure that I have avoided unexpected harm by predicting the outcome of my alterations with a high degree of accuracy. The world would, therefore, be a different place where free from other adverse effects like terrorisms and religious extremism. The wide gap between the rich and the poor could also be narrowed through subscribing to Karl Marx’s thoughts on the causes of differences between the bourgeois and the proletariat.

        Traveling back in time, I would further take strategies aimed at providing emotional support to the modern person that I have grown to become. First I would ensure that I have written a timeline of the events in my life so that I avoid the most dangerous ones. By doing so, all the misfortunes will be avoided and further write down the important life lessons from the missed ‘suffering’ because a smooth life results in no lessons learned. Every human being has an intrinsic motivation to look for a partner. Traveling back in time, I would run away from the friends with whom I have established a short-lived relationship and save the resources wasted in terms of time and money. This time would then be used to do other constructive activities aimed at improving my well-being. Besides, there are many valuable people that I lost only to realize later that they would change my life for the better. As a result, I would travel back in time and ensure that I have established a much stronger relationship to keep them in my network of friends for life.

       There are influential people in life that helped to shape the person that I am. One of such influential characters was my grandfather who passed on in a road accident. At a young age, I never knew that something tragic happens despite putting up a strong fight with diabetes. Besides the few valuable lessons learned, I would spend time with him on a casual day learn more about his perceptions about life and the way the society should be organized. It would also be great to learn about the family history and possible routes of immigration. All these alterations of the past events in my family, the country and the world as a whole would have positive impacts on the contemporary world and in my life too.

 I understand that the human race is yet to discover mechanisms of traveling back in time despite the theoretical possibilities propounded by physicists. It is therefore difficult to erase or change time because we have limited capabilities unless we make significant advancements to realize similar sophisticated transport mechanisms like teleporting. Traveling back in time is still a possibility because science has come up with outstanding discoveries such as the night vision that has changed the nature of combat in the battleground. It is also true to argue that many people would equally wish to alter their past he because human beings are prone to errors and wish they would make alter some of the events in their timeline.

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