Essays on Business

A business essay should reflect your knowledge and understanding of the business world, its tendencies, terminology, and development. The business has been around since even before the invention of money – it existed in a form of trade. Business is also one of the main reasons why people left their native countries and ventured out into the world. Modern-day business is also not commonly contained within a single country, but shifts towards a more global scale, making the writing of Business essays ever so complex and demanding. Our Business essay samples will surely help you with an understanding of contemporary business. However, when essays on Business consume more time than you can spare, we are here to lighten the load.

The Potential of Social Media for Luxury Brand Management

Studies on digital marketing have increased with the expansion of the social media space. Many salesmen have realized that social media can significantly aid in reaching out to more customers thereby boosting profits. However, few studies have been done concerning the use of social media as a digital marketing tool...

Words: 4057

Pages: 15

The Concept of Responsible Tourism

Responsible tourism has been a subject of study over the years. Wilkinson (1992) addressed the question on how tourism can be managed more socially and environmentally. Most tourism organisations have adapted to initiatives into their business operations and in their market operation to engage in responsible tourism practices, especially those...

Words: 439

Pages: 2

The Female Fans of Manchester City Football Club

Researchers and analysts have ignored female fandom in sports and other activities. However, it is an area that when thoroughly emphasized, can create much interest with lots of benefits for the sporting world. The universe believes that there are little fun and pleasure from the female side to offer in...

Words: 888

Pages: 4

Adoption of Sustainable Practices in the Restaurant Industry

Recent trends in sustainability in the restaurant industry Recent trends have pushed many businesses to implement sustainable policies and practices. In studying sustainability in the restaurant sector, the main items that are often affected include energy and water, food waste management, and effects of products on different habitats. Some of the...

Words: 925

Pages: 4

Value Added by RFID in Supply Chain Management

Radio Frequency Identification is an automatic identification and data capture technology used in the identification of products or services (Masum, Bhuiyan, and Azad, 2013). RFID is composed of tags, readers, and middleware. The tag is formed from chips and attached to products, the reader helps in receiving and returning answers...

Words: 2315

Pages: 9

Employee Career Development in the Hospitality Industry

Over the years, the hospitality industry has undergone a tremendous growth. However, the overall staff turnover has been a problem. Studies have shown that a majority of employees in the service sector contemplates changing the jobs (Klotz Kim, Im, Fu, 2012). Most employers fail to take...

Words: 3767

Pages: 14

The Nigerian Economy: Past, Present and Future

Nigeria gained its indepence from the United Kingdon in 1960. Six year later in 1966, the country plunged in political turmoil as a result of sharp cultural and political differences between the dominant ethnic groups namely Yoruba, Hausa, and Igo. Several coups and counter-coups took place due to the perceived...

Words: 1171

Pages: 5

The Impact of Social Media on Destination Image

Internet has revolutionized global business in the 21st century. It has improved the speed of connecting to the customers international, cost effective in terms of the economies of scale, and provided promising avenues to venture and promote in novel business opportunities to many customers globally (Boulianne, 2017, p. 5). One...

Words: 3523

Pages: 13

Private Residential Land Developers in urban Zambia and Lusaka

In Zambia, the provision of residential land which is serviced has been on the National Housing Authority (NHA). However, in the recent past, there has been an increase in private residential land developer providing residential housing. Despite their focus on meeting the housing demand in the country, private residential land...

Words: 4667

Pages: 17

Retailing in the United Kingdom

In the United Kingdom, retail techniques have always shown signs of change since the mid-1960s amid the emergence of modern technology (Thomas, Bromley ez, Agudo-Peregrina Pascual-Miguel, 2016). However, the emergence of online marketing seriously impacted on their operations. The optional sale techniques used in the high street...

Words: 5165

Pages: 19

Workplace Wellness Promotions Programs

In 2016 the number of unhealthy workers reached over three billion across the globe, and this number continues to rise. Among these three billion workers is an alarming increase in older workers who are generally less healthy. Also, there is over two million work-related deaths and over 300 million work-related...

Words: 1943

Pages: 8

Market Segmentation and Student Banking

Except for those parts in which it is explicitly stated to the contrary, this project is my own work. It has not been submitted for any degree at this or any other academic or professional institutions. ………………………………………...…… Signature …………………………… Date Regulations Governing the Deposit and Use of Oxford Brookes University Modular Programme Projects and Dissertations 1....

Words: 4647

Pages: 17

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