Essays on Artwork

“Two Flayed Men and Their Skeletons”

Domenico del Barbiere, a 15th-century artist, engraved "Two Flayed Men and Their Skeletons" (1506-1565). The exact year the work was created is debatable, although speculations place it between 1540 and 1545. The Elisha Whittelsey Collection categorizes it as a print. The engraving was added to the collection in 1949 as...

Words: 562

Pages: 3

Art is an artistic expression

Art is a type of creative communication that is based on the capacity to interpret, ascertain, imagine, and be courageous. It demonstrates new approaches to identifying and addressing problems. As a result, it stimulates tasks and improves life (Steindl-Rast, 2000). This article examines four works of art, including Janet Cardiff...

Words: 1412

Pages: 6

art and fashion

Fashion as a Way of Creative Expression Fashion is a type of creative expression (McRobbie 14). People may use fashion to convey their moods, times, activities, professions, or some other aspect. Fashion may also reveal a person's cultural background. The way a person dresses and the kind of fashion to which...

Words: 775

Pages: 3


Drawing Techniques in Visual Arts Drawing is a common mode of communication in the visual arts in which the artist uses drawing techniques to make marks on paper or two-dimensional mediums. Wax, chalk, pastels, paints, crayons, inked brushes, colored pencils, pencils, pen and ink styluses, and erasers are also popular tools....

Words: 379

Pages: 2

the american art before and after world war 2

The primary goal of this paper is to compose an article on American art before and after World War II. This war took place mostly between the years 1939 and 1945. The United States was involved in the conflict for only four years. To conclude this article, at least three...

Words: 1161

Pages: 5

The ancient times

Classical Art in Ancient Greece Classical art characterized ancient Greece, as evidenced by the masterpieces created by Jerome Pollitt in his work, Art and Experience in Classical Greece. The book is divided into five sections (chapters), which comprise Antecedents and First Principles; Consciousness and Conscience, in which the author discusses the...

Words: 1189

Pages: 5


Art is a broad field that encompasses many aspects of life. Various aspects of art are used to symbolize and depict various aspects of life. Shapes, designs, and colours, for example, were used to represent the traditions and beliefs of various ancient communities. The numerous arts that were used in...

Words: 1503

Pages: 6

The title of this artwork is Olympia

Olympia: A Painting by Edouard Manet Olympia is the title of this painting, which was made by Edouard Manet. Edouard Manet was a French artist from Paris. Manet was a French painter who lived from 1832 to 1883. His iconic Olympia painting was completed in 1863 and first shown to the...

Words: 1478

Pages: 6

War in art

Art as an Expression of Socio-Psychological Responsibility Art is the illustration of an artist's artistic vision which is the direct product of the artist's socio-psychological responsibility to others who are fascinated by his or her interest. Aside from the artist's own conception of the aesthetic nature of his or her work,...

Words: 667

Pages: 3

Rosie the Riveter Poster - A Visual Rhetoric Analysis

IntroductionA visual rhetoric is a photo or a short video that is used to convey a message to a particular group of people. It is the method of deriving meaning from images in the same way as one can deduce meaning from verbal or audio messages, and it can be...

Words: 2120

Pages: 8

Dematerialization: The Voice of the Sixties

Chapter 13: The State of Artworks in 1969 The chapter provides an account of the state of the artworks in 1969 in the U.S., specially in New York City. The author stated that the course of avant-garde exhibitions reached its watershed in 1969. It used to be also the year that...

Words: 342

Pages: 2

A Picture by Jeff Koons

This artwork represents a picture by Jeff Koons displaying a naked woman in the tub. The nude lady is acting a crude sexual joke in the bathtub. Normally, an artist makes a drawing with a unique message, but viewers interpret it differently, and in fact, this is the beauty of arts...

Words: 299

Pages: 2

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