Essays on Art History

Music History view by franz brendel

Franz Brendel: Journalist, Musicologist, and CriticFranz Brendel was a journalist, musicologist, and critic who was born in Stolberg, Germany. He researched, taught, and wrote various histories of European music in 1846. Brendel established the new German School in 1859, where he used several German music styles. Because of his conservatism,...

Words: 274

Pages: 1

Graffiti: Is Art or Vandalism

Graffiti: A Historical and Cultural Perspective Graffiti is a term that was developed from the Latin word graffiare, which was subsequently translated into the Italian word graffito, which literally means "to scratch". It means to engrave or create (White 2). Since the messages they conveyed were not constrained by social or political...

Words: 1550

Pages: 6

The Concerns That Art Historians Have

Any piece of art can be dated in a variety of ways by art historians. This also goes by the name of chronology. If a historian does not already know the date of a monument, they are unable to provide a specific date. However, historians have developed a variety of...

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Chinese 17th Century Painting; Wu Bin, Fantastic Rock for Mi Wanzhong, 1610.

One of the most well-known painters during the Ming Dynasty One of the most well-known painters during the Ming Dynasty, which lasted from 1573 to 1620, was Wu Bin. Wu Bin's moniker, "Zhiyin Toutuo," meant a mendicant monk who was hidden at the temple by three branches. His "Wenzhong" was his...

Words: 960

Pages: 4


Michelangelo stands head and shoulders above his contemporaries as one of the most well-known, revered, and praised Italian artists of the Renaissance period, both in his own lifetime and among the contemporary icons of art. The Pieta and David statues, along with the Sistine Chapel frescoes, are among the important...

Words: 2946

Pages: 11

Formal analysis in Art History of Bowel

His concubine Azada put Bahram Gur to the test in a series of dares to demonstrate his proficiency with the bow. So, while Azada plays the harp, he uses a single arrow to pin a gazelle's ear and hoof together. The Persian epic Shahnama has a devastating epilogue at the...

Words: 1475

Pages: 6

The Renaissance Artwork

The plague, the Hundred Years' War, and the instability in the Catholic Church that rocked everyone's faith occurred in the 14th century, a time of major calamity. It appears that throughout this time, which is referred to as the Renaissance period, Europeans wanted a new beginning and a cultural revival....

Words: 613

Pages: 3

Globalization and Art in Contemporary Art History

This reading claims that Huey Copeland and Krista Thompson attempt to highlight the persisting idea of racial bondage reproduced in art and visual archives. The authors use the idea of reorienting art history and black studies in addition to framing the academic articles and artist portfolios collected in volumes to...

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Pages: 3

A Discussion of Three Ancient Artworks

The History of the Arts The history of the arts is lengthy and goes all the way back to the prehistoric era when civilization even existed. Many famous artists, like Leonardo da Vinci, captivated the world with their creations and significantly improved the area of art (Costin 4). This essay examines...

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Theme: Ancient Sumerians

As evidenced by archaeological finds The rider and chariot date to around 2500 BC and are from the Ur standard, which dates all the way back to the 5th BC era.Embellishment by the Sumerians Additionally, the Sumerians embellished these works of art in the form of jewelry and ceramics using cedar oil...

Words: 613

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Charles Rennie Mackintosh, a British product designer who lived from 1868 to 1928 and whose life was centered around art, is frequently mentioned while discussing the history of architecture and art in the nineteenth century. After taking lessons at the Glasgow School of Art, where he first met his wife,...

Words: 925

Pages: 4

Contemporary art history: Global abstraction

Art History: Aesthetic Context and Historical Development Art history is primarily the study of works of art in its aesthetic context and historical development, including format, genre, style, and design, and it encompasses several historical events. Sculptures, paintings, and architecture are some of the major arts. Other minor arts include furniture,...

Words: 722

Pages: 3

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