Research Essays

The major difference of every research paper that a college student encounters is providing a synthesis of existing works to prove a certain point that is stated in your thesis. You can see how every essay sample that we provide contains an analysis of similar works that relate to the author’s research project. The list of quotes that you can find in every essay example shows that your opinion must be based on what has already been written before. The task is to explain whether the list of references and assumptions made is good enough or requires more work. Since one must research someone else’s findings, it is vital to check your assignment twice to avoid any plagiarism risks.

Introduction to Poetry

In the poem, Billy Collins addresses “them.” The term is used by the speaker to refer to the “readers” of the poem including poets and students. It pursuits at educating readers on how to interpret a poem rather than distort or manipulate its meaning. As such, Collins desire readers to...

Words: 352

Pages: 2

Word games in Austen's and Dickens’ Writings comparison

The novel "Emma" by Jane Austen is one of her final six novels. She wrote it while in Chawton and had it written in 1815. (McCrum). It narrates the perils of misconstrued romance when reflecting on the heroine Emma Woodstone's life. The protagonist is a young woman who wields influence...

Words: 1261

Pages: 5

Gulliver, as portrayed in Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travel is a Yahoo and not a Houyhnhnm.

Gulliver in Jonathan Swift s Gulliver s Travel is a Yahoo, not a Houyhnhnm. He does, however, reflect a compromise between absolute animalism (Yahoos) and pure reason (Houyhnhnms). He possesses traits from both the Yahoos and the Houyhnhnms. He is a normal man, but when it comes to logic, he...

Words: 583

Pages: 3

Being Successful in the Modern World

The Success of the Modern Business World The success of the modern business world needs many important factors to be observed. Most of the time, company success and life success are two complex concepts. Whenever people start a new company, entrepreneurs also focus on how they operate the business and their...

Words: 910

Pages: 4

Important Issues Facing the American Middle Class

In the USA, the middle class is trapped and almost disappears in a neutral gear. Most of these families can be believed to have raised wages in more skilled employment in the socio-economic ranks. This may not be the case, though, as most Americans now face several problems that have contributed...

Words: 1500

Pages: 6

Writing across disciplines

Writing Across Disciplines: Expanding a Writer's Potential Writing through disciplines is essential for developing a writer's potential in areas such as critical thought, analysis, and broadening the possibilities for gaining information through data integration. Furthermore, the practice familiarizes an individual with various writing skills from various fields of education. For example,...

Words: 1287

Pages: 5

Kindness, a language the deaf can hear and the blind can see

A young boy's tragic accident and its impact A young boy, Scotty, is involved in a hit and run car crash on his birthday as he heads to school on a Monday morning. Scotty dies three days later as a result of occlusion which doctors claim would have been avoided had...

Words: 892

Pages: 4

Ray Bradbury Novel Fahrenheit 451 symbolism

Ray Bradbury's book Fahrenheit 451 features several icons that give a broader context to the novel's narrative. These symbols are crucial to interpreting the novel's events, and they contribute greatly to the plot's creation. Symbols, in reality, have clouded the whole novel and helped to attract the reader's interest. The...

Words: 2118

Pages: 8

Stereotypes and Individual Identities: What You Pawn I Will Redeem

Theme of Stereotyping and Individual Identity in What You Pawn I Can Redeem What You Pawn I Can Redeem is a short story that depicts the journey of a financially needy man Jackson Jackson who is faced with an uphill challenge of generating...

Words: 631

Pages: 3

Gregor's Transformation

Gregor's Metamorphosis and Its Significance Gregor's physical transition into an insect is complete. However, he does not alter significantly in the novel. During the metamorphosis, the reader has the opportunity to engage with the ridiculous, crazy, and nonsensical activities of the universe from the perspective of an 'insect.' The Uncertainties of Gregor's...

Words: 290

Pages: 2

About Their Eyes Were Watching God

Feminism is concerned with the political, societal, and economic differences that exist between men and women in a world where men are more dominant than women. Men in society prefer to manipulate and influence women in whatever way they wish because they believe they are superior to men. The text...

Words: 1497

Pages: 6


People are still excited to watch as a new movie is set to be released as a preview. Some viewers watch for entertainment, and others watch for enjoyment and to be frightened if the movie scenes are fantastic. Some people, on the other hand, watch movies to learn life lessons...

Words: 985

Pages: 4

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