Persuasive Essays

The success of any persuasive paper is in influencing one’s target audience and explaining why some things are important and worth being investigated. As you can see from our free essay examples, persuasive writing may differ from critique reviews to those essays that deal with complex matters dealing with social problems or environmental challenges. Almost every essay sample that you may encounter will include a clear set of ideas that will range from the strongest to the less important ones. You must not forget about logic, especially if you want to persuade your readers that something you might talk about is more important than something else related to your essay.

Analysis of Food Science Careers

Food Research and Careers Food research is a practical science that deals with the assessment of the composition of nutritional products and changes that may occur during storage. The discipline combines various sciences in improving food processing. Several careers have been identified in the field of food research. Examples of such...

Words: 1863

Pages: 7

Gun Control in the United States

History of Gun Laws in the United States Following a wave of recent gun-related acts of violence and mortalities caused using firearms in the United States, the issue of gun control has turned into one of the most divisive subjects of cultural, social, and political interest. Gun control refers explicitly to...

Words: 2542

Pages: 10

DACA: Moral Dilemma

The United States' Undocumented Immigrants The United States has millions of undocumented immigrants who came into the country as children before attaining the age of sixteen years, and their parents do not own legal residence in the US. This group of people accounts for 1.3 percent of the American population, and...

Words: 1575

Pages: 6

The Benefits of Learning Spanish

Learning the English language can become one of the most profitable ventures to an immigrant. The knowledge of the language can make it easier for one to maneuver in their environment as well as get jobs easily to sustain themselves as well as family members. However, the process proves to...

Words: 563

Pages: 3

The Spice Girls and The Riot Grrl Movement

Cool refers to something dangerous, original, a style and always related to sex. The feminist movement has always been cool throughout history. Some of the feminist movements that represented cool in the 90s include the Riot Grrl and the spice girls among many others.  Feminists usually ascribe to girl power...

Words: 922

Pages: 4

The Psychology of Jem

Everyone has friends who have acted out of character, who have said or done something that is not like them. When such a person is not acting like himself, we know him and how he or she should behave. A Mockingbird, for instance, defines a creature that does not do...

Words: 2332

Pages: 9

Sonia Sotomayor's My Beloved World

The Journey of Sonya Sotomayor The first Hispanic and third woman to sit on the Supreme Court bench, Sonya Sotomayor is undoubtedly an icon to many in the world. Her great feats, however, caused many to be curious about her journey. Sonia's appointment as a supreme court judge has dramatically fueled...

Words: 614

Pages: 3

Why I Want to Work for Google

It requires little thinking to choose to work with a well reputable company. Such a company would provide much more than mere livelihood or employment. Today, originations offer several employee value propositions to attract only the best talents and skills. A modern firm is not merely a place to work...

Words: 634

Pages: 3

The Role of Symbolism in "The Machine Stops"

is a narrative that explains events resembling two different types of religion. It is concerned mainly with the faith practiced by different people. The book describes the people as those who live in isolation and cannot bear living on the earth`s surface thus they live on the ground one. The...

Words: 868

Pages: 4

The Effects of Drug Abuse and Alcoholism on Family Violence

Emerging Issues in the World Emerging issues in the world have taken a different scope influenced by the ever-dynamic life of man. It is quite clear that observable steps can be seen when it all started to the war against servitude during the dark ages, military demonstration in the era of...

Words: 1033

Pages: 4

The Rise of Pornography in Social Media

Pornification is the acceptance or rather normalizing of pornographic and sexual themes rotating in social media platforms. Today’s society living in an internet environment. It is slowly by slowly emulating and seeing it as normal for existence of sexual and pornographic sites that are all over the internet. Pornographic creations...

Words: 1767

Pages: 7

Poverty in Australia

A social issue: Poverty in Australia A social issue is defined as a problem which influences a considerable number of people within the society. It is mostly the consequences of various factors that are beyond individual control. Poverty is an example of a social issue that has human rights effect and...

Words: 625

Pages: 3

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