The Benefits of Video Games on Cognitive Functions

Video Games and Cognitive Development

Video games have gained a lot of popularity with the advancement of technology experienced in the recent past. They are a prevalent form of entertainment among different people and most especially in teenagers and youths. A steady increase in the use of video games has been witnessed. About nine out of ten of the American teens, children, and youths play the video games. Arguments on whether the video game is beneficial to the children’s cognitive development have been ongoing for some time. Contrary to the outdated belief that the games are an addictive source of diversion and entertainments, the majority of the recent research is proving that video gaming has several numerous advantages and the vital one among them is the development of cognitive skills in all the players. Just like any other exercises play a role in strengthening and improving your muscles, the video games help in indulging the user’s brain in continuous stimulation which bin the long run enhances the performance of the mind. The paper will argue on how the video games are beneficial to the cognitive functions.

Improving Executive Functioning

The video games are beneficial in improving one’s executive functioning which is an individual’s ability to assign their mental resources, i.e., memory, attention, and perception in a manner which allows efficient and rapid decision making and problem-solving. Chiappe et al. (2013), found out that the games improve one’s ability to engage in different tasks concurrently. A study by Chiappe (2013) and colleagues indicates that 50 hours experience in video games had a significant improvement on a Multi-Attribute Task Battery test which is created after the piloting aircraft skills.

Increasing Mental Flexibility

Anderson et al. (2010) argue that video games help in increasing mental flexibility. Individuals that involve themselves in an active video game present an improved ability in switching instantly between different activities having conflicting demands without error. Another executive function of the video game is that it helps in reversing a mental decline which is as a result of aging. Attention, abstract reasoning, working memory and cognitive flexibility tend to deteriorate with age. Basek et al. (2008) argue that video game play helps in improving the abilities. The video games assist not only in cognitive development among the elderly but also in the enhanced quality of life and better self-concepts.

Improving Coordination

The video games improve coordination. When one is playing the video game, he/she does not only inactively stare at the computer, but also engages in other activities. The actions occurring on the screen give the player mental stimulation. There is a need for coordinating the audio, visual and physical movement when playing. The games improve one’s visual contrast sensitivity, which is the potential to make distinctions between the subtle differences in gray shades (Li et al., 2009).

Enhancing Problem-Solving Skills

The games have an advantage of improving one’s problem-solving skills. Every video game comes with specific rules for one to emerge victoriously. This implies that the player needs to deeply think before making any attempt to ensure that they are sticking to the game’s set rules. He/she needs to come up with split-second decisions which will help them advance to another level.

Tracking Objects and Enhancing Memory

Trick et al. (2015) indicate that the video games improve one’s ability to track objects moving in the presence of distractors. One can track different visually identical objects moving while playing an active video game. Video games also enhance one’s memory. When playing the game, there is a need of using both the audio and visual memory. The video game player needed to listen and read to instructions, which usually appear when beginning the game thus there is a need for keeping them in mind throughout the game. There is also a need of mastering the keyboard keys so that you can quickly move characters to different directions while playing the game. All these activities help in improving one’s memory, either long or short term.

Improving Concentration and Attention

Individuals against the playing of the video games argue that they can make the users, but different researchers indicate that they help in improving one’s concentration and attention. The video game usually captures the attention of the user throughout the playing session since they have an aim of achieving particular objectives so that they can get to another level. People who play video games have the upper hand in quickly processing the stimulators than the non-participants. The simulators make the brain to be continuously active so that it can effectively interpret them (Anderson et al., 2010).

Benefits Outweigh the Disadvantages

Those opposing the video game use argue that different researchers have found out that children playing many video games end up having attention problems (Chan " Rabinowitz, 2006). However, a majority of the studies rule out this evidence indicating that video games have more cognitive functions benefits and they help the players’ mind to be more active. The benefits of video games related to cognitive functions outweigh the disadvantages thus all individuals should have an opportunity of playing the games.


Lastly, there is a lot of research presenting the numerous benefits of the video games on one’s cognitive functions. Video games have the potential of improving coordination since playing it needs both audios, visual and physical movement. It enhances memory and boosts one’s problem-solving skills. Research also indicates that engaging in video games increases the brain’s speed and it improves both concentration and memory. The non-supporters, on the other hand, suggest that it makes individual to be hyperactive, having attention problems however there is minimal evidence to support this argument. The cognitive psychologist also states that the video games build the cognitive components of intelligence at a higher rate and more efficiently, therefore, parents should not discourage their children from taking part in active video games. This is the core reason why a majority of the modern learning institutions incorporate the video gaming as being a teaching methodology. It helps in boosting the learners’ academic skills since the video games target at enhancing their creative and cognitive skills.


Anderson, A. F., Bavelier, D., " Green, C. S. (2010). Speed-accuracy tradeoffs in cognitive tasks in action game players. Journal of Vision, 10(7), 748-748.

Basak, C., Boot, W. R., Voss, M. W., " Kramer, A. F. (2008). Can training in a real-time strategy video game attenuate cognitive decline in older adults?. Psychology and aging, 23(4), 765.

Chan, P. A., " Rabinowitz, T. (2006). A cross-sectional analysis of video games and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms in adolescents. Annals of General Psychiatry, 5(1), 16.

Chiappe, D., Conger, M., Liao, J., Caldwell, J. L., " Vu, K. P. L. (2013). Improving multi-tasking ability through action video games. Applied Ergonomics, 44(2), 278-284.

Li, R., Polat, U., Makous, W., " Bavelier, D. (2009). Enhancing the contrast sensitivity function through action video game training. Nature Neuroscience, 12(5), 549.

Torres, A. C. S. (2011). Cognitive effects of video games on old people. International Journal on Disability and Human Development,

10(1), 55-58.

Trick, L. M., Jaspers-Fayer, F., " Sethi, N. (2005). Multiple-object tracking in children: The “Catch the Spies” task. Cognitive Development, 20(3), 373-387.

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