Essays on Scientist

Who Is Eli Whitney?

As a boy, Eli Whitney was interested in machines and tools. He once took apart his father's watch so that he could see how it worked. Once he had figured it out, he carefully reassembled the pieces, making sure that the watch worked properly. He later attended Yale College, where...

Words: 925

Pages: 4

A Biography of Jane Addams

The Life of Jane Addams The name Jane Addams might conjure up images of a mill owner, politician, or social activist. These are certainly all great things, but how was it that one of America's greatest social reformers was a woman who was born in a mill? In this article, we'll...

Words: 626

Pages: 3

The Origins and Ideology of Social Darwinism

The origins and ideology of social Darwinism are discussed in this article. In addition, I discuss some of the criticisms of this theory. What are the main problems with social Darwinism? How can the insights of the natural sciences be combined with those of the social sciences? And finally, how...

Words: 1058

Pages: 4

A Brief History of David Livingstone

David Livingstone was a Scottish explorer and missionary. He believed that Africans were an interesting mixture of good and evil. Livingstone traveled to Africa and met the Bakwain tribe. He introduced the teachings of Jesus to these people, who then sought his medical advice and medicine. Livingstone's subsequent adventures include...

Words: 511

Pages: 2

Marie Curie

The contribution of women to the field of science is undeniable. Marie Curie is evidence to this fact. Although at the time science was dominated by men, she managed to achieve feats like being the first person ever to receive two Nobel Prizes: one in physics and the other...

Words: 341

Pages: 2

Black Holes

The word black hole can simply be described as a closely packed matter from which nothing, even light, can escape (“10 Amazing Facts About Black Holes”) and (Dunbar, Brian), which flies at an estimated speed of 186,000 miles per second (Richard Talcott). For several years, physicists have been fascinated by...

Words: 2475

Pages: 9

David Livingstone - One of the Most Important Figures in History

British explorer David Livingstone was an important figure during the nineteenth century. His primary focus was Africa, where he sought to discover the source of the Nile and end the slave trade. The book was a bestseller in six months, and the explorer produced seven more editions in rapid succession....

Words: 1408

Pages: 6

The Provenance of Species

It is very frequent to hear people perpetuate details of a concern matter they are not pretty conversant to. For a long time, the misconception that human beings advanced from monkeys originated from an article that was written out of the mere misinterpretation of what Darwinism is by one Herbert...

Words: 950

Pages: 4

Role of govrnment in cyberspace regulation

The Purpose of the Report The purpose of this report is to build a line of investigation and to make a case on the proper position of the government in the regulation of cyberspace for the industry. In the light of this issue, this paper would discuss whether the government is...

Words: 1535

Pages: 6

A realistic logic study of Pascal's Mugger

This paper is essentially a realistic logic study of Pascal s Mugger. The writer s goal is to shift our perspective on life and how we see things. It tests our ability to optimize utility and make decisions based on probabilities we might have. The Plot of the Story The plot revolves...

Words: 1746

Pages: 7

Charles Darwin and Evolution Theory

To give an explanation for the universe and the existence of man, scientists over time have come up with different concepts. However, scientists from across the globe preserve on to the evolution theory developed by Charles Darwin in 1859 explaining the starting place of species. Evolution is the change in...

Words: 1595

Pages: 6

Rehabilitation of convicts in prisons by Laura Bates

Dr. Laura Bates and the Rehabilitation Program Dr Laura Bates was rehabilitating prisoners in a maximum security state prison; she requested the inmates an assignment about Shakespeare’s works. The other inmates submitted short responses however Newton gave a one-page answer, earning him a place in her program, “Shakespeare in Shackles.” Shakespeare's Impact...

Words: 788

Pages: 3

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