Essays on Politics

The 2008 Election: A Unique One

This report will examine the United States 56th quadrennial presidential election held in 2008. The 2008 race between Democratic Barack Obama and Republican John McCain for the White House ended on Tuesday 4th of November with Obama being elected president. The election became a major historical event since it led...

Words: 1492

Pages: 6

Judicialization of Democracy

Democracy has always been a key to success of leadership in many leading countries globally. It refers to a rule of the people whereby their voice matters in every decision making in a country ("Democracy"). Since the beginning of humanity, laws, politics, and policies have always influenced the way of...

Words: 2003

Pages: 8

The Authority of the UK Government

The Authority of a State The authority of any state is the body responsible for regulating and conducting affairs in the state. There are several factors that make an authority legitimate as they can also face opposition from the subordinates they rule over. Authority is responsible for maintaining law and order...

Words: 1898

Pages: 7

Causes of Poverty in Democratic Republic of Congo

The Democratic Republic of Congo is located in Central Africa is the second-largest countries in the African Continent. Also, is has one of the highest population amounting to 78 million making it one of the most populated states in the world (The World Bank in DRC). The country attained independence...

Words: 2320

Pages: 9

Comparative Analysis of Populism and Nationalism

Many nations in our modern world are divided on the political movement they should adopt in order to remain relevant in modern politics. In different countries, nationalist and populist parties have secured positions in parliament at the local, regional and also the national level where they have gained popularity and...

Words: 1554

Pages: 6

Contemporary Political Analysis

The world today is experiencing a myriad of political and social issues which cut across different spheres of the society. Therefore, political scientists have tried to come up and explain the causes of such events and provide solutions through the use of tools and techniques made available by political analysis. ...

Words: 1105

Pages: 5

The Importance of Denuclearization in North Korea

Nuclear Program in North Korea Nuclear program in North Korea do not comprise of the instability’s main sources in the east Asian place and the peninsula of Korea but it also outlines and explains the potential risks brought about by the proliferation of nuclear. The two thousand and three initiated Six-Party...

Words: 961

Pages: 4

Realism and Liberal Peace Theory

This logic asserts that the citizens have the power to prevent the cost of war should they reckon it to be too high through the electoral influence over their sovereignty (Rosato 2003, p.587). Democracies have also established systems of “checks and balances” such as political competition, pluralism and executive selection...

Words: 1631

Pages: 6

The United Nations creation

The predecessor body to the United Nation is the League of Nations. The League of Nation was founded throughout the First World War in 1919 by the Accord of Versailles (one of the peace agreements espoused the end First World War). The goal of the aim League of Nation was...

Words: 1349

Pages: 5

A Comparison of Deliberative Democracy and Participatory Democracy

Deliberative Democracy Theory and Participatory Theories of Democracy Deliberative democracy theory is the idea that citizens or their representatives participate in making decisions on the laws to be enacted. Participatory theories of democracy, on the other hand, are the idea that citizens participate directly in the decision making without representatives. According...

Words: 350

Pages: 2

President Trump's Proposal for SNAP

1. What is SNAP? Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is an essential federal nutritional program adopted by the USA to help eligible low-income earners to stretch their budget and purchase healthy food. 2. What is Presidents Trump's New Proposal for SNAP? The new proposal suggests...

Words: 265

Pages: 1

The Impact of Conflict Resolution on Global Politics

The Changing Approaches in Conflict Resolutions The approaches in conflict resolutions have been rapidly changing globally since the collapse of the Cold War. The old system in the world has evolved, but it is not clear whether the new system has kicked off. The old system of colonialism was unstuck, but...

Words: 2789

Pages: 11

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