Essays on Politics

Sanctuary Cities and Immigration Policy

This article presents and examines the looming immigration policy to be enacted by President Donald Trump. The President uses the word “sanctuary” with disgust to refer to cities such as New York City for welcoming; shielding and supporting immigrants of whom he believes should be deported to their countries. Furthermore,...

Words: 299

Pages: 2

The Formation of European Union

The formation of European Union dates back to 1945 when the countries in Europe developed the desire to have close ties and synergetic relations to protect against any risk both on security and economy. The ties boosted the economic stability of the block by improving businesses, contributions and subsidies to...

Words: 1831

Pages: 7

Hillary Clinton's career

Hillary Clinton's Career in Politics Hillary Clinton’s career in politics has been one of many firsts. In 2001, she became the first American first lady ever to win a public office when she was elected to the United States Senate. In 2009, she became the 67th United States secretary of state,...

Words: 1494

Pages: 6

Critical GPE Theory and Orthodox IPE Theory

Part 1:             Orthodox liberalism as presented by Adam Smith was developed to present an argument against the theory of mercantilist as well as the theory of colonialism. The classical liberalism theory is an IPE theory; it provided a different approach on how the economy and the importance of the state...

Words: 2329

Pages: 9

Civic Responsibility and Voting

Civic responsibility refers to the duty of a citizen. It comprises of actions that are geared towards social participation and governance within a society. Depending on constitutional and social policies in a community, civic responsibility may entail responsibilities in government, churches, and voluntary groups (Dalton and Welzel 5). Furthermore, advocacy...

Words: 884

Pages: 4

The Two Party System and the Multi-Party System

The Difference Between Two-Party and Multi-Party Systems The major difference, thus between the two-party system and the multiparty system is based on the fact that in the two party systems countries only have two major parties therefore, elections contests are only between two candidates from the two major political parties; such...

Words: 372

Pages: 2

The Importance of Human Rights in International Relations

In my point of view, I would recommend a change in the structure of the membership. At present, the permanent membership is comprised of five states that include France, the United States, Russia, China, and the United Kingdom (Sievers 14). In the council, ten non-permanent members are nominated by the...

Words: 650

Pages: 3

Kingdon's Theory of Policy Streams

Kingdon's Theory of Agenda Setting Kingdon places his focus on how issues get the attention of the government in the first place as opposed to how certain political decisions are made or how programs are put into place. He addresses the issue as to why some policies become agendas of the...

Words: 686

Pages: 3

The Two Main Parties in the United States

The U.S. Political Parties: Democrats and Republicans The two main parties in the U.S are Republicans and Democrats. Though in the recent past other parties became prominent, Democrats and Republicans remain to be the largest parties in America with most of the seats in the House of Representatives and the Senate....

Words: 843

Pages: 4

Comparative Analysis of Party Dominance in Japan, Mexico and China

The Concept of Political Party Dominance and Democracy The concept of competitive political parties is often considered an essential factor in the pursuit of democracy. As such, in many aspects, single-party dominance showcase authoritarian governance since it ignores elements of democracy. Japan and Mexico are interesting nations for political analysts in...

Words: 1208

Pages: 5

The Democratic Peace Theory

There have been claims that democratic states are more peaceful than autocratic states. This led to refinement of the democratic peace theory. It is believed that as much as the democratic states do fight with other countries, few cases have been reported of a Republican state fighting against another democratic...

Words: 1883

Pages: 7

Role of Technology in Politics

Choi, S., Kim, B. (2012). Voter Intention to use E-Voting Technologies: Security, Technology Acceptance, Election Type and Political Ideology. Journal of Information Technology and Politics, 433-452. This article discusses the features of e-voting technology, in a world of political contexts. The article discusses different types of elections and how...

Words: 1461

Pages: 6

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