Essays on Photography

Managing Organisational Change of Kodak

Kodak's Failure to Adapt to Technological Change Kodak was a prosperous business in the motion picture sector. However, the business eventually failed because it didn't recognize a shift in market patterns. Selling movies was the company's main line of business. It was unaware of the shift in technology from film to...

Words: 569

Pages: 3

Virginia Fifield contemplation/Hurricane

Have you ever seen the Coral Springs Museum? If you haven't already, you should go to this art and gallery show. On my visit to the Coral Museum, I was able to see a variety of photographs featuring the work of Charcoal artist Virginia Fifield. The Contemplation Hurricane is Virginia's...

Words: 1068

Pages: 4

Photography: Handheld Cameras

Cameras are taken for granted nowadays; however, they were not always inexpensive, compact, or even that significant. A camera, by definition, is a lightproof object with a lens that captures incoming light and directs it and the resulting image to film in the case of an optical camera or an...

Words: 2412

Pages: 9

Photography exhibition proposal

This proposal includes two photographs from modern photography as well as two proposals. They do, though, share a common thread in modernity and history. The two photographs reflect the complex society that exists in the twenty-first century. The humanities, on the other hand, use a variety of subject matter to...

Words: 822

Pages: 3

A cinematographer

A Cinematographer and The Wizard of Oz A cinematographer is a director of photography who oversees the production of a film. Harrold Rosson was a pioneer in making The Wizard of Oz, which is widely regarded as one of the best films ever produced. Harrold Rosson is credited with being one...

Words: 748

Pages: 3

Theatre and theatre making

Theatre and theatre making has allowed humans to fly beyond space. Photography strengthened the moon trip, according to Benjamin Grant. Further, like never before, the camera helped people tour the world. The camera also allowed astronauts to view the earth from within and thus to discover occult mysteries. Astronauts have...

Words: 859

Pages: 4

Photography of My Father in His Twenty-Second Year

In the poem, the speaker's perception of his father The speaker displays that his father is trying his best to appear daring and confident in the picture. When he states that the father has a "[s]heeping grin," the speaker refers to his father as being docile or bashful. This could further...

Words: 590

Pages: 3

Cindy Sherman: A Manufactured Portrait

The projection of oneself on an artistic canvas has been replicated several times across humanity, but none of them has captured the strength of human experience like Cynthia Sherman. Cynthia "Cindy" Sherman is an inscrutable photographer and film producer who appeared on the scene more than thirty years ago, rose...

Words: 1143

Pages: 5

Photography: Portrait Genre

Portrait Genre All through American photography history, people have made diverse photographs with many materials, and each of them has different purposes. However, people began to classify photographic works on the basis of style and intention, therefore, manipulating and reflecting the society. Photographers always have varieties of what they want to...

Words: 933

Pages: 4

Mike And Marsha Burns' Photography Reels

The Photographs of Mike and Marsha's Reel The photographs of Mike and Marsha's reel are made up of many reels arranged in a systemic manner. The arrangement of the reels is designed in four columns and five rows. Two of the reels arranged have additional organic shapes. The frame the reels...

Words: 665

Pages: 3


Photojournalism: A Brief History Photojournalism is the artwork of using photography to inform a story. Unlike today where snap shots can be cropped, altered and manipulated to present partial information, earliest forms of photojournalism had been believed to be inherently truthful. In the 1900s Lewis Wickes used photography to expose social...

Words: 375

Pages: 2

Bruce Nauman's Life

Bruce Nauman was an American who was born on 6th December 1941. His works are artistic, protecting photography, printmaking, video, sculpture, and performance. He has received some awards due to his works, some of them being: Larry Aldrich Awards, Golden Lion at 53rd Venice Biennale. His work was diverse, with...

Words: 1778

Pages: 7

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