Essays on Painting

Blue Rider Painting

Blue Rider Artists and Their Influence Blue Rider is an agency of artists based in Germany who played a principal role in the development of summary art. A painting in the AIC is considered as a Blue Rider (Der Balue Reiter) if it is created through artists in Germany, especially those...

Words: 325

Pages: 2


During the early Renaissance, paintings represented deposits of social relationship and artists were substantially supported by means of the wealthy merchants and rulers. These artists had been famous during their times. With the fame, many artists have been convinced that they deserved exceptional privileges and consideration and in most cases,...

Words: 582

Pages: 3

Painting and the author’s comparison

The 20th-century revolution in art The 20th-century revolution marked no longer only a new beginning in political, financial and social setting but additionally in the world of art as well. Two original artists who influenced this change were Paul C zanne and Claude Monet who individually invented new approaches of portraying...

Words: 1514

Pages: 6

Pontormo’s works and Mannerism

When the classical motion of painting ended, artists in Italy developed a new painting style and this period was referred to as Mannerism. This essay offers distinctive characteristics of mannerism and explains how Pontormo's work shows mannerism. The Origin of Mannerism The origin of mannerism is maniera in Italian which means style....

Words: 452

Pages: 2

Unique Types of Continuity in Space

In the twentieth century, industrialization set its foot in Italy inflicting an unusual interest amongst the people. Elements of the new age were characterized by way of embracing of speed and technology into their inventions. In this case, Umberto Boccioni born in Reggio, Calabria collectively with a group of writers...

Words: 611

Pages: 3

What paintings are used for

Painting as a Medium of Expression Painting is a platform used by people to express their emotions about diverse subject matter. Many artists use this as a medium of communicating with their audience without the use of words. The current generation has demanded for modern art because of its uniqueness. Many...

Words: 1932

Pages: 8

Baroque style in painting and sculpture

The Baroque style and technique is used in painting, sculpture and various work of art. It is a style that uses exagerated motion to communicate a clear message that can easily be understood and interpreted. Index Artist Date Title/Description Key areas that fit in the style Reason for choosing...

Words: 347

Pages: 2

Art History: The Virgin Adoring the Host

One of the significant artists of the 18th and 19th century is Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, a French painter that contributed to classical arts through his neoclassic characteristics. An example of one of his famous pieces is The Virgin Adoring the Host, it is dated to 1852 and measures 40.3...

Words: 1155

Pages: 5

The Milk Maid by Johannes Vermeer

The Milk Maid is a painting done by Johannes Vermeer . It is one of the most influential paintings done by Johannes Vermeer and was inspired by his era and their tradition. Portrayed in the background of the painting is the foot warmer which is a perfect replication of what...

Words: 1025

Pages: 4

All About Jackson Pollock

Jackson Pollock is a famous artist well known for his great talent in painting. He was the youngest in his family (Pollock 11), born on January 28th, 1912 in Cody, Wyoming. Thomas Benton was his tutor, taught him the basics of painting and influenced most of his early works. Later...

Words: 651

Pages: 3

Review of Art Exhibition

Stuart Davis is one among America's first modern artist and considered by many the father of the popular culture . He began his work with the Ashcan school before shortly following the Europeans modernism. Davis had tons of determination to convey something from the American form of government and blend...

Words: 1175

Pages: 5

The Athenaeum Painting

Paintings of George Washington I have chosen the paintings of George Washington which was created on 1 January 1796 in Boston. This artwork is additionally known as the unfinished and Athenaeum portrait. After visiting the museum of best arts virtually, I learned several matters regarding the artwork. For example, the artist...

Words: 650

Pages: 3

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