Traditional Training vs Contemporary Training Traditional training entails a series of teachings, both theory and practical, where the trainer and the trainees enjoy personal touch or the physical presence of each other. On the other hand, contemporary training is an evolutionary way of teaching or coaching which makes good use of...
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An electric circuit is a system of a conducting path together with a source that creates potential difference in order to maintain the flow of charge. Two of the important characteristics of any circuit are the amount of charge that is flowing and the potential difference that is maintained by...
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Cooling fans are supposed to bring fresh air into the room. They are designed to rotate using a motor. However, this fan uses electricity to function. Cooling fans can be more useful if they are used to light our rooms by converting the mechanical energy produced by the motor to...
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When a circuit is closed, the potential difference causes charges to move within the circuit thus constituting current passing through various appliances to perform designated functions. The electrical power generated from the power source is not all utilized as desired as some of the power is lost in the form...
Words: 2986
Pages: 11
(a) An AC voltage is described by the equation 푣 (푡) = 푉cos(휔푡 + 휙). Sketch this voltage waveform, and explain the meaning of terms 푉, 휔, 푡 and 휙. Sketch of the voltage waveform. V The maximum or peak value of the voltage 휔 the angular frequency expressed in radian...
Words: 406
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This section analyses calculated values of time constant and capacitance. The current and voltage of discharging capacitor are measured for a period of 90 seconds and listed in Table 1.1. From this table, voltage is plotted against time as shown in Figure 1.9. Analysis of errors and uncertainties was not possible...
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In almost all the parts of the word, the need to have a sustainable, high-quality life has been the determinant factor towards the provision of secure and reliable energy supplies across the world (Wilberforce, et al., 2017). The world constantly strives towards searching for clean sources of power to run...
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In the 21st century, the fear of pollution and the cost of fuel are on the rise. Since the transportation industry is responsible for 30.9% of carbon dioxide emissions and 55% of world energy consumption. The world population is looking to the automotive manufacturers for a cleaner, cheaper, alternative fuel. The...
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Pages: 7
I grinned as I turned to face my sibling. That ought to deter them because the barrier was finally finished. I couldn't help but believe, though, that I was being overly optimistic. We had put in a lot of effort to erect this electric barrier, which was 100 feet tall....
Words: 942
Pages: 4
A backup generator is a must-have for any agricultural enterprise that has automated feeding systems and facilities. The farm management reduces the danger of loss when the commercial power supply is interrupted by investing in a standby generator. The farm can either purchase an engine-driven generator or a tractor-driven generator....
Words: 1702
Pages: 7
Is appropriate lighting provided in the following areas: Driveway Y N? Why is there a garage? Y N Pathways? Y N At all times? Y N Near the garbage cans? Y N Is there any other section of the yard that is used after dark? Driveway Y N Is the driveway paved evenly and smoothly? Y N Is the...
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Pages: 9
The Story and Social Issues The story centres around a sizable electric firm whose operations pose an ecological risk to the local Californian population because of the seepage of a chromium 6 pollution. In this essay, the Erin Brockovich movie is discussed from many social angles. The analysis specifically makes use...
Words: 1868
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