Controversy of Nestle Water

Water in most parts of the world has become a scarce resource with an increasing population. In this scenario, some companies have taken the initiative not only to generate profit but also to provide the affected community with clean water or people who need clean water for beverages and other...

Words: 2244

Pages: 9

Case Analysis of Wildlife Strike

Birds and Wildlife Strikes in the Aviation Industry Birds and other native species are increasingly concerned with aircraft in the aviation industry worldwide. In the United States, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has since launched a number of research and services to help reduce the issue of wildlife strikes (Cleary, Dolbeer,...

Words: 935

Pages: 4

U.A.E sustainable consumption

Efficient Use of Energy in the UAE Introduction Efficient use of energy in the UAE is a rising problem because of population growth, increased economic activity, and a rise in potential consumption rates. A conference on sustainability was held in Abu Dhabi by the Energy Working Group (EWG) of the UK...

Words: 702

Pages: 3

The Role of Biochar in Environmental Conservation and Agriculture

Plants rely on the ability of soil to provide secure environments for their development. The suitability of soil for the growth of plants relies upon on its structure, texture, ability to provide vitamins (fertility), and water holding capacity. Additionally, it should grant optimum conditions for the survival of microbes. There...

Words: 1544

Pages: 6

Management of a Coniferous Forest

Conservation and Utilization of Forests Conservationists connect a lot of values on existence and bequest uses of the forest, while utilitarian maintain that forests should be conserved for their benefits to human. Conversely, administration of forest is only justifiable if there are no significant costs involved. In order to ensure that...

Words: 412

Pages: 2


The Utopian Society in Sauk County The Utopian society will be founded in the district of Sauk. The district is located in Wisconsin State. Agriculture as the Principal Occupation Agriculture will be the principal occupation of the county in rural life. The region has also the main emphasis on the utopia of the...

Words: 962

Pages: 4

Sustaining and Creating Organizational Culture

The element of organizational culture as regards its influence on various situational factors within the association's structure can be regarded as a particular subject of studies in administration, which never diminishes the prestige of exploration. Moreover, it is of great interest and significance to ask about the factors that help...

Words: 3385

Pages: 13

The Dominican Republic.

The Dominican Republic is a Caribbean country island better known for its luxury resorts and gorgeous beaches, as well as the spot where Christopher Columbus and his men first arrived in the New World. This country is more than just resorts and beaches; its people are upbeat, enthusiastic, and positive....

Words: 1516

Pages: 6

Deforastation of the enviroment and its impact

Deforestation and its Environmental Impact Deforestation is the process by which forested areas or trees are transformed to produce land for other human activities, such as settlement and agriculture. The Planet has a forest cover of about one third, which offers various environmental benefits, such as regulating the cycles of hydrological...

Words: 322

Pages: 2

Stone soup

Stone Soup: A Novel About Stingy Fishermen and Lazy Boys Stone soup is a novel about a stingy old fisherman and two lazy people. The stingy fisherman still employs three children to do all of his jobs. The kids will prepare lunch and supper, clean the boat, break cod, and perform...

Words: 1137

Pages: 5

Benefits of sustainable Public Transportation

Introduction People all over the world are becoming more mindful of the importance of lowering their carbon footprints. Most people do basic activities such as shutting off lights as they leave a room or not keeping the water flowing while brushing their teeth. However, fewer people have taken the initiative to...

Words: 1429

Pages: 6

Hurricane Katrina and the BP Oil Spills Federal Responses

In 2005, Hurricane Katrina happened and was the most destructive disaster in the history of the United States. The hurricane was large and strong and a catastrophic flood was associated with it. Hurricane Katrina's destruction exceeded other major disasters as the Chicago fire of 1871, Andrew in 1992 and the...

Words: 2580

Pages: 10

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