Essays on Mental Disorder

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

The paper will use case study # 4 Sumi to discuss the generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and give the possible treatment of the same. Task 2 Sumi is suffered from generalized anxiety disorder. She is extremely worried about school work...

Words: 2158

Pages: 8


Kindly provide answers to the following questions. Where a yes/no response is required kindly give one answer either yes or no. The information you give is held with high standards of confidentiality, and your cooperation will be highly appreciated. SECTION I DIFFICULTY SLEEPING. 1. Do you experience loss of...

Words: 1087

Pages: 4

Depression in Children

Childhood depression is a condition that often affects children of all ages and significantly impairs their function, growth, and development. Although its prevalence is lower than that observed in adults, it still presents a significant disease burden and effect on the quality of life. Usually, those who suffer the condition...

Words: 1846

Pages: 7

The Concept of Psychological Abnormality

Abnormal psychology determines the unusual patterns regarding the emotions thoughts as well as the behavior. Further, the essence of this aspect may not be understood as a form of precipitating a mental disorder. Even though there are many behaviors, which can be considered as abnormal, this understanding can deal with...

Words: 1538

Pages: 6

The Relationship Between Anxiety and Sleep

A human being will experience sleep disturbance resulting from anxiety in his lifespan. These two, anxiety, and sleep disturbance occur co-currently and they are closely associated. The main objective of the study was to find out how perceived anxiety control was related to sleep disturbance. Sleep disturbance in the extent...

Words: 887

Pages: 4

The Importance of Depression in the Elderly

The Main Idea of the Article The main idea of the article "Depression in the Elderly: A Descriptive Study of Urban and Semi-Urban Greek Population" is that depression is a common mental disorder in the elderly. Financial Burden and Increasing Rates of Geriatric Depression Additionally, the article highlights that the geriatric rates of...

Words: 376

Pages: 2

Eating Disorders: Causes and Treatment

In the 21st century, a lot of young people with most of them not being overweight want to be thinner. As a result, they work towards weight loss mainly by skipping meals or dieting. The increased worry becomes an obsession among many youths hence a turning into a severe series...

Words: 1434

Pages: 6

Social Role Valorization

JACKmail: A Growing Mail Delivery Business Jackson West, a young man from Canberra, Australia, started a mail delivery business known as JACKmail. The business has grown into a carrier service that offers delivery and picks up of emails to and from the post office. JACKmail services major their operations in the...

Words: 1861

Pages: 7

Mental Illness among Teenagers and Adolescents

The interview for funding and authorization The interview was conducted at the office of the Mayor on a Thursday afternoon on the topic of funding for the construction of a resource/rehabilitation center for teenagers and adolescents struggling with mental diseases. Many teenagers and adolescents are struggling with mental diseases such as...

Words: 573

Pages: 3

Bipolar Disorder in Misery

Misery is an American-based thriller film that originated from a book titled ‘Misery’ that was written by the famous Stephen King. It revolves around two major characters, Paul Sheldon, the protagonist and Annie Wilkes, the antagonist. Sheldon, a famous author, gets into a tragic car accident but is saved by...

Words: 1666

Pages: 7

Analysis of Annie Wilke`s Bipolar Condition as portrayed in ‘Misery’

Misery: A Critical Analysis of the Film's Antagonist Misery is a critically acclaimed American horror film that was released in 1990 based on, and inspired by Stephen King`s novel by the same title. The movie starred James Can and the academy award winning actress, Kathy Bates, who played the role of...

Words: 1839

Pages: 7

Employment of Persons with Disabilities

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) constitutes one of the most fundamental civil rights legislation in the United States. The statute has undoubtedly improved the lives of individuals with disabilities, particularly in increasing their access to employment opportunities. In addition to demanding an end to discriminatory practices against persons with...

Words: 2443

Pages: 9

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