Kindly provide answers to the following questions. Where a yes/no response is required kindly give one answer either yes or no. The information you give is held with high standards of confidentiality, and your cooperation will be highly appreciated.



1. Do you experience loss of sleep during the night? (YES) or (NO)

If yes, how often does this loss of sleep occur in a week? (Answer in figures or words)                    4

2. Do you try to look for rest after you have lost it?

Yes, I do, I need to rest after exotic day activities.

3. Do you have depressions in your life? (YES) or (NO)

4. Do you have any idea on what insomnia is?

NO, I have no idea what it is, but it sounds a biological term.

If yes what are the effects of insomnia?


5. Do you know some measures that can help control loss of sleep?

Yes, cutting down on caffeine, exercise regularly. Am familiar with those measures.

If no, have you ever tried to visit a therapist for consultations?


6. How are you familiar to the following measures that help reduce insomnia or loss of sleep:

a) Calming your mind.

b) Focusing on the body (somatic therapy techniques and breathing exercises)

Am only familiar to the once I have mentioned earlier.

If you are familiar to the measures as mentioned above, kindly rate their efficiency on a scale of 1-10.




1. Do you take part in some exercises? Are you aware that an activity is an essential tool for mental health?

NO, am mostly engaged in class work, am aware that exercise is essential for body fitness.

2. Eight hours is the recommended time for sleep, how many hours do you sleep?

I sleep less than 8 hours because of loss of sleep.

3. Do anxiety makes it hard for you to get enough sleep?

No, it doesn’t

4. Do you take any beverage that has caffeine? E.g., coffee and tea

Yes, I do mostly coffee

5. In case of anxiety have you ever tried to make like 30mins to figure out what is bothering you and what you can do about it?

No, am not a victim of anxiety.



1. Kindly comment on the rate of your concentration by choosing a number

Good               1                                  Very bad         4

Bad                  2                                  Best                 5

Fair                 3

2. Do have any health problem that's reducing your concentration level? E.g., head injury, anemia, thyroid problem and stroke

No, I don’t have any of those problems.

3. Do you know that anxiety can disrupt concentration and also lead to forgetfulness?

Yes, I am well informed about that.

4. Are you aware of some symptoms of difficulty concentration?

No, am not aware, I do information technology.

5. Have you ever experienced the following symptoms:


CHECK THE BOX (tick or cross)





Racing thoughts

Feeling on-edge



Inability to sit still

(Mark the symptoms experienced by the participant and find the percentage to get the percentage of concentration of the participant)


How do you handle stress and depression?

I maximize my thoughts on things that make me happy and try to forget the experience that is depressing me up.

What is the primary cause of depression?

Having thoughts that are stuck in past experiences.

Are you easily affected by social media lifestyle? How much time do you spend on social media?

I am not influenced by social media; I spend most of my time chasing my goals.

Finally, do you share your struggles with someone close to you to feel relieved or seek for advice?

I only share my struggles with my best friend, and she calms me down.


What questions need to be asked based on your client's situation. In another word, what information do you need to know?

Questions that are going to give data on how people experience sleeping difficulty, anxiety and difficulty in concentrating. In addition to get information on how many individuals in a group of ten visit the therapist for treatment and also questions that seek to get information that will be used to rate how dangerous this mental illness is affecting individuals in the school.

How did you feel regarding your performance as a counselor/therapist? Be specific and honest.

My performance was superb; I liked how everything went as scheduled. In a scale of 1-10, I will rate my performance at 8.5.

What would you do differently?

What I would do differently is sharpening my skills on rephrasing my questions, more specifically when using the similar approach strategy to test the reliability of the mode of research or reliability of the answers am receiving. This will improve my performance to 10/10.

What were your strengths?

My strengths mostly dominated during the first approach to my clients and lured them to participate and take part in my research.

What skills are you lacking? What do you need to work on? Why?

I am lacking the skill of rephrasing my question in a way that the participant won't get he/she is being asked the same question, and the same answer is required, I need to work on my creative thinking to be a little bit quick. This is an essential tool during research because it helps the researcher to know if he/she is getting a genuine answer, therefore, proving the reliability of the questionnaire approach.

How did you feel about your client? Did you like him/her? Why?

I felt great about my client since he cooperated all through the research process and the client gave honest answers from my psychological point of view. I liked how my client was calm, and the response for every question was impressive.

A large part of being an effective counselor is awareness of your comforts, dislikes, values, morals, etc. What values, morals, ethics, beliefs came into play for you? How did this affect your performance? What will you do about this in the future?

My humble background cultural value and I also observed the moral values and ethics of my target client; this was the key drivers to my interview research. If the moral values and ethics are kept in interview research, it helps the navigation through the process be magnificent since the client will be open to the researcher and feel close. This personality of mine made the process as easy as possible, and it was a sterling performance, in future, I will be mostly aligning my research moral values similar to the ones deployed in this interview research.

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