The novel The Outsider by S.E. Hinton centers on the disparities between the wealthy and the poor. The book was written in 1967 and is set in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The plot revolves around the competition between two gangs known as Socs and Greaser. Hinton includes a chronological account of events...
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"In The Park" by Gwen Harwood Introduction "In The Park" is an fascinating poem written by Gwen Harwood from Australia and a known poet. The poet was delivered up in Brisbane but born in the suburb of Taringa. The poet has a taste of writing poems with the focus of girls in...
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The novel called Germinal by Zola was first published in French on March 1885. It created a very significant mark in the french tradition among other great novels like Ladies Delight, Nana, L’ Assommoir, La Bete Humaine and The Belly of Paris. Its original copy was 591 pages but was...
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Appropriate quotation of sources in any research paper, book or news article is critical. There are precise formats for referencing adopted for some fields of study. For instance (MLA) Modern Language Association is commonly used for citing lookup papers in the fields of art, language or literature. The guideline in...
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Sonny's Blues Sonny's blues is a short story by James Baldwin that was published in 1957. The story is about two brothers who grow up in Harlem, a black neighborhood in New York City. The storyline centers around the obstacles and hardships that the two brothers and their friends faced in...
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A Tragic Hero in "The Crucible": John Proctor A tragic hero is a character in literature that has fatal faults or commits mistakes in judgment. The character suffers catastrophe as a result of external powers and destiny. In the play "The Crucible," John Proctor is presented as the sad hero with...
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Introduction In literature, a tragic figure is a type of character that makes a wrong selection or choice which later leads to their downfall or destruction. A tragic figure in a drama; in most cases is typically the protagonist of a misfortune that befalls them. For a character to be termed...
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Many authors depict differences in African cultural traditions as a result of Western ideologies' influence. Chinua Achebe replied to this notion in his novel Things Fall Apart by offering a synthesis of the existing pattern of African society and ethos in an African context. Achebe insists that a writer must...
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The novel Their Eyes Were Watching God's most prominent subject is passion and relationships. It portrays Janie's quest for fulfillment, as well as true and unrestricted affection. She has seen different forms of love in her life. Janie achieves personal freedom and liberty as a result of her love journey,...
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The Novel "1984" by George Orwell The novel "1984" was published by George Orwell in 1948. The book offers a viewpoint on how to look at the future. The Oppressive Structure The novel is set in a country called Dystopia, where people live under an oppressive structure consisting of The Party and 'Big...
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