Essays on International Relations

The Importance of Human Rights in International Relations

In my point of view, I would recommend a change in the structure of the membership. At present, the permanent membership is comprised of five states that include France, the United States, Russia, China, and the United Kingdom (Sievers 14). In the council, ten non-permanent members are nominated by the...

Words: 650

Pages: 3

The Democratic Peace Theory

There have been claims that democratic states are more peaceful than autocratic states. This led to refinement of the democratic peace theory. It is believed that as much as the democratic states do fight with other countries, few cases have been reported of a Republican state fighting against another democratic...

Words: 1883

Pages: 7

The Impact of Conflict Resolution on Global Politics

The Changing Approaches in Conflict Resolutions The approaches in conflict resolutions have been rapidly changing globally since the collapse of the Cold War. The old system in the world has evolved, but it is not clear whether the new system has kicked off. The old system of colonialism was unstuck, but...

Words: 2789

Pages: 11

The Role of Theories of International Relations in the Behaviour of States in the International System

Based on the theories of international relations that have been advanced by various authors, it is apparent that the behaviour of states in the international system is not governed primarily by their fear of other states and the desire to acquire the power to overcome that fear. Whereas the aforementioned...

Words: 1513

Pages: 6

Nation Building in Afghanistan

Nation Building and Conflict Nation building involves initiation of ideational as well as normative change in a society experiencing conflict. This is often achieved by establishing institutional framework that promotes existence of free market democracies in areas of conflict besides encouraging the diffusion of norms, ideas in addition to values such...

Words: 1270

Pages: 5

Realism and Liberalism in International Relations

The Key Maxim: The State as the Leading Actor in Global Relations The key maxim is that the state is the leading actor in global relations. However, the state also requires the contributions of other actors, which can be agents of the country. Therefore, the states have a wide range of...

Words: 1224

Pages: 5

Australia-Indonesia relationship essay

The Australia-Indonesia Connection The phrase “Australia-Indonesia connection” has been the topic of much debate over the years, with the meaning most recently referring to the two countries’ distinct relationship. The relationship between the two countries has deteriorated and has become a source of concern as Australia appears to be less concerned...

Words: 1566

Pages: 6

International Relations

The dominant theories of international relations give too much weight to the incorrect actors, which has affected their understanding of and ability to explain current events. People are travelling more easily across borders due to increased economic and infrastructure integration, and as a result, if trouble starts in one location,...

Words: 1179

Pages: 5

Realism and Causes of Conflict in the International System

Richard Betts expresses concern about the persistent issues confronting international security. Other scholars (both classic and contemporary) have also investigated the relationship between reality and conflict, or the absence thereof. Indeed, realism has been recognized as the dominant school of thinking in the subject of international relations at times. In...

Words: 2255

Pages: 9

International Development and Organizations

The presence and scope of internal organizations (IO) extend across the globe, where it plays an important role in global affairs. At the moment, at least 238 of these organizations are working on every potential topic around the world. International organizations have a key role in humanitarian crises, financial meltdowns,...

Words: 1911

Pages: 7

International relations (IR)

International Relations and Neorealism International relations (IR) is a vast discipline of political science that includes the debate of social science and humanities in a global context. A fundamental element of IR is that it is based on theories proposed by specific individuals and supported by groups of experts. The concept...

Words: 898

Pages: 4

the security dilemma

According to Cavelty (701), a security dilemma is a situation in international relations in which actions taken by a nation to strengthen internal security, such as the formation of alliances, committing to use arms, and rapidly increasing military strength, cause other countries to respond in kind, resulting in increased regional...

Words: 1629

Pages: 6

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