Essays on Immigrants

Cultural Assimilation

The term cultural assimilation applies to the incorporation of ethnic minorities into mainstream society. Members of an ethnic group, as well as foreigners, are required to adhere to the customs, attitudes, and values of the dominant group in cases of classical assimilation. Assimilation is the product of cultures that do...

Words: 2468

Pages: 9

World Poverty, Immigration, and Gumballs

Dr. Beck's Perspective on Immigration and PovertyDr. Beck presents the video "World Hunger, Immigration, and Gumballs." My first impression of the video was that it was intended to demonstrate how immigration raises the level of poverty in the United States (the host). However, after paying close attention to the presentation,...

Words: 288

Pages: 2

Signs Preceding the End of the World

Makina's quest and attempt to cross the US border as a fugitive is captured in the book "Signs Preceding the End of the World." It is a representation of one of today's most controversial topics in America. The topic of immigration is heavily discussed in the plot. The storyline, characters,...

Words: 915

Pages: 4

Tarfia Faizullah and Kitchen-Dweller’s Testimony by Ladan Osman comparison

Tarfia Faizullah's Seam is an enthralling series of poems that blends charm with aggression, personal memories with historical events. The poems recount the harrowing memories of two thousand female rape and torture victims during the Pakistani army's Liberation War in 1971. Tarfia Faizullah, the daughter of a Bangladeshi refugee, discusses...

Words: 1310

Pages: 5

Immigration Impact on America's social, economic, and political realms

Immigration is characterized as the movement of people from their home countries to countries where they are neither natives nor residents. They move in order to become permanent residents or naturalized citizens while still working as immigrant workers. Jens and Hopkins (532) identify an immigrant as a foreign national who...

Words: 4125

Pages: 15

The United States Immigration Policies

The transfer of immigrants from one nation to another where they are not nationals and do not have citizenship rights is referred to as immigration. This relocation may be due to a change of work or a brief holiday. Any nation has rules that regulate the immigration process and processes...

Words: 1771

Pages: 7

How Immigrants Change Town and Cities.

Immigrants are folks who move to a country to take up permanent residence. In latest years, the issue of immigrants has raised great concern amongst more than a few levels of government and alarmed citizens. The number of immigrants has unexpectedly increased over the years especially those migrating to the...

Words: 2398

Pages: 9

The socio-cultural and political context of Canadian identity

Canada has had a long history marked by changing demographics and diverse cultures. Since 1981, the country's demographic trends have changed dramatically, from predominantly native residents to the addition of immigrants to the new cosmopolitan state. According to a population census conducted in 2006, the visible minority, which included people...

Words: 1437

Pages: 6

The final project

The aim of this project (II) is to write an inquiry essay and review its structure, writers, audience, and material. Pico Iyer's post, Living in the Transit Lounge, explores the author's experience traveling around the world as a lounger. He vividly recounts his life since he was a child, often...

Words: 2435

Pages: 9


Immigration and Its Impact Immigration is basically the international movement of individuals to a country where they do not have or are not indigenous. Individuals move permanently to live, study or temporary jobs in such countries. Research shows that the reception and sending countries benefit from immigration. For example, it has...

Words: 647

Pages: 3


DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) DACA is the American immigrant policy set up by President Obama and his administration in June 2012 in the United States (Wood, 2017). It also applies to the process of judicial relief from deportation. For people who are currently studying or have graduated, it is...

Words: 751

Pages: 3

Bilingual Education and Bilingualism

The history of United States and its immigrant communities The history of United States has been marked by the high number of immigrants from unique countries. The new entrant communities brought with themselves various languages expanding the languages spoken in America to extra than 200. Maybe to start we consider the...

Words: 976

Pages: 4

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