Essays on Illness

The Importance of Early Identification of Mental Illness in Children

A pragmatic and timely solution in the provision of sound mental health care to children entails formulation of regulations and policies that allow parents, caregivers and early childhood-based institutions the capability for early identification, monitoring, and treatment of children with mental disorders. If detected at an early age, treatment can...

Words: 861

Pages: 4

Mental Illness among Teenagers and Adolescents

The interview for funding and authorization The interview was conducted at the office of the Mayor on a Thursday afternoon on the topic of funding for the construction of a resource/rehabilitation center for teenagers and adolescents struggling with mental diseases. Many teenagers and adolescents are struggling with mental diseases such as...

Words: 573

Pages: 3

Health Literacy in Diabetes Management

Health literacy is an extent to which one has the ability to acquire, to process and acknowledges information regarding health and the required services in order to make decisions appropriately. However, diabetes is one of the issues that the people need to beware and know how to control or manage....

Words: 1060

Pages: 4

Globalization and Drug Trafficking

Globalization and Drug Trafficking Globalization has brought about the liberalization of worldwide markets and the opening of borders thus facilitating trade, movement of people as well increased interdependence and interaction. The process has yielded enormous benefits but at the same time provided ground for the thriving of harmful practices such as...

Words: 322

Pages: 2

The Question of Euthanasia

The Debate on Euthanasia The word “euthanasia” is originally a Greek word, which means “a good death”. It is also commonly described as “mercy killing”. This is one issue that has sparked debate regarding its validity and ethical reasoning in the world of medical health care practice. It has cut debates...

Words: 1293

Pages: 5

Drug Addiction and Emotional Deprivation

Drug addiction is a condition that plagues a significant number of members in our society. Researchers prove that it is caused by a variety of factors like poverty, depression and peer pressure. Those affected effect note only themselves but also their immediate family members. In the text ‘Embraced by the...

Words: 1111

Pages: 5

The Issue of Introducing a Cure for Aging

The Issue of Introducing a Cure for Aging The issue of introducing a cure for aging has been a burning concern currently in our society. It is an essential debate since it concerns human fundamental moral and the effects the medicine will have on the environment. Different versions of arguments have...

Words: 1575

Pages: 6

On Being a Disabled Person

Introduction “Living under Circe’s Spell” by Matthew Soyster and “On Being a Cripple.” by Nancy Mairs make the reader of this great writings to have a taste of the shoes of a disabled person and feel how they do they fee. The main aim of these two essays is to bring...

Words: 862

Pages: 4

The Effects of Illicit Organ Trade

The Illegal Sale of Body Organs: Causes and Consequences Causes The population is increasing in the world every day, and so are diseases that affect humankind. While there have been significant gains in technology, researchers are yet to come up with a way of creating organs. There have been several proposals and...

Words: 1840

Pages: 7

Bipolar Disorder in Misery

Misery is an American-based thriller film that originated from a book titled ‘Misery’ that was written by the famous Stephen King. It revolves around two major characters, Paul Sheldon, the protagonist and Annie Wilkes, the antagonist. Sheldon, a famous author, gets into a tragic car accident but is saved by...

Words: 1666

Pages: 7

Analysis of Annie Wilke`s Bipolar Condition as portrayed in ‘Misery’

Misery: A Critical Analysis of the Film's Antagonist Misery is a critically acclaimed American horror film that was released in 1990 based on, and inspired by Stephen King`s novel by the same title. The movie starred James Can and the academy award winning actress, Kathy Bates, who played the role of...

Words: 1839

Pages: 7

The Pros and Cons of Abortion

In some states, abortion is illegal whereas, in some, it is legal. Several debates have been held as to whether abortion should be legalized or illegalized. Some people argue that illegalizing abortion is not right since it denies the women their freedom of choice. Furthermore, they assert that it is...

Words: 1783

Pages: 7

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