
A variety of learning outcomes A variety of learning outcomes are provided by the logistic course. Students will gain knowledge and understanding of various modes of transportation and related aspects such as the role of these modes in the economy, their history of development, the impact of technologies on it, current...

Words: 849

Pages: 4

International Human Resource Recruitment and Selection

As more organizations expand across borders and have easy access to the global marketplace, there are opportunities and problems that come with functioning at such levels. As the international and cross-cultural aspects of business become more prevalent, most organizations profit greatly from the diversity of knowledge as well as varied...

Words: 1912

Pages: 7

Assignment 1: Internet of Things (IoT)

Cyber and Information Security Cyber and information security is one of the most pressing challenges confronting individuals, corporations, and the government as a whole in 2016. According to Bruce Schneier, a security expert, the two primary concerns are the hacking of the Democratic National Committee during the recent elections and the...

Words: 706

Pages: 3

Eddie Bernice Johnson

Eddie Bernice Johnson: A Trailblazer in Nursing and Politics Eddie Bernice Johnson is well-known for becoming the first registered nurse to be elected to Congress. Her accomplishments in that position have been extraordinary, as she has overcome numerous challenges in her career as a nurse and politician. She has introduced and...

Words: 772

Pages: 3

Parametric and non-parametric tests

In practice, parametric and non-parametric tests cannot be utilized concurrently. The assumptions that have traditionally guided their use are an underlying factor in their exclusive use. While parametric tests are thought to be more powerful in proving actual significant effects, their application is constrained by data normality (Ghasemi & Zahediasl,...

Words: 354

Pages: 2

Personal Philosophy

A person's leadership philosophy reveals how he or she sees himself or herself as a leader. Some people feel that leadership comes naturally, while others believe that it can be acquired and taught. In any case, specific leadership philosophy will evolve throughout time as a result of internal and external...

Words: 1384

Pages: 6


Leadership Styles and Characteristics Leaders are often unique. According to Forbes, effective leaders possess the following characteristics: honesty, delegation, communication, confidence, dedication, a positive attitude, creativity, intuition, inspire, and approach. Leaders that do not possess the aforementioned characteristics are referred to as ineffective leaders. The study will compare and contrast Elon...

Words: 754

Pages: 3

Chronic illness

Chronic illness remains a major public health challenge in today's health-care system. Most of individuals with chronic health sickness spend the last moments of life in and out of the hospital setting with half of those who die do so in the acute health care settings. The individual, caregivers, and...

Words: 3440

Pages: 13

Organizational Leadership Reflection and Assessment

As a leader in any business, one should engage in reflective practice in order to inspire contemplation in others. Reflective practice is a set of skills and talents that indicate toward taking a stand, concentrating on issue resolution, or altering one's mental state. (2014) (Iszatt-White ‘technical rationality’ and...

Words: 3304

Pages: 13

Leadership: Theory and practice

Leadership and Goal Achievement Leaders in any corporation must assure the firm's performance and growth. As a result, they must allocate responsibilities to staff and motivate them to complete tasks. The organization has goals, and the shareholders charge the managers with achieving those goals. All stakeholders in a company are necessary...

Words: 295

Pages: 2

Assessment of the importance of power dynamics in global supply chains

Assessment of the importance of power dynamics in global supply chains One of the most important fields of research in global business has been supply chain management. Most experts perceive the necessity to establish this concept as a discipline, similar to other disciplines such as marketing. This is due to the...

Words: 1779

Pages: 7

Influences of my academic interests

Many ideas in today's culture are mistakenly thought to be "excellent," only to be shown incorrect over time. A good idea is one that is particularly efficient at tackling a certain problem or obstacle. A good concept should have the following key characteristics: It must provide value in a way...

Words: 537

Pages: 2

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