A variety of learning outcomes

A variety of learning outcomes are provided by the logistic course. Students will gain knowledge and understanding of various modes of transportation and related aspects such as the role of these modes in the economy, their history of development, the impact of technologies on it, current issues, international and government regulation, transportation organization, and transportation innovations through this course. Following that, I present three artifacts demonstrating mastery of outcomes with rationale and context to demonstrate my personal learning results.

The first artifact: "Transit Transportation"

The first artifact is a piece of paper labeled "Transit Transportation" from activity CA2. The paper analyzes contemporary challenges in international sea transportation and makes ideas for fixing them based on modern engineering and technology. I include this paper into Learning Outcomes Portfolio because the paper shows its author’s awareness of the important role of technologies and engineering in shipping organization and maintaining the performance of sea transportation (outcome 5), and recognition of a critical role of sea transportation in the economy (outcome 1).

It as well demonstrates good understanding of current issues in the sea transportation, among them pointed “natural disasters, terrorist attacks, and accidents” (Surname), and other “challenges which are based on the technical, social and economic systems” (Surname) related to low predictability of environment and requirement of adaptation addressed to the industry (outcome 3). In addition, the paper shows an ability to evaluate such issues and generate efficient recommendations for their resolving (outcome 3). In particular, the author describes possible positive changes that could give an adoption of the internet of things (IoT) in the sea transportation (outcome 5).

Finally, in the paper author notices the role of policies and policymakers (in collaboration with scientists and engineers) in the building of modern infrastructure and systems, “that cope efficiently with some typical uncertainties such as weather conditions and the threats posed by unfriendlies in the transit period” (Surname) (outcome 4).

The second artifact: "Railroads Regulated"

The second artifact is a paper “Railroads Regulated” that comes from activity CA3. The paper discusses the importance of government regulation for the rail transport industry. I include this paper into Learning Outcomes Portfolio because the author states, “The purpose of the paper is to explain how the government regulates railroads in the United States” (Surname) (outcome 4). Significant part of the paper devoted to the history of American railroads development (outcome 2) that serves as background to showing the government role in the process of stoping monopolization and providing deregulation, constructing the safe transportation system, and supporting this industry in the competition with cargo aviation and automobile transport and resolving other issues (outcome 3).

In addition, the author explains how the total system of American railroads and the regulating agency, Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), operates for the purpose of “safe, reliable, and efficient movement of people and goods” (Surname) (outcome 7). As well, author notices the main reason for railroads regulation and FRA functioning, it is primary safety regulation, “reduction in the number of accidents, deaths, and injuries in the railroad sector” (Surname) (outcome 6). The author shows that FRA provides the participants of the industry with standards and policies for safety, for protection of the industry’s clients and their commercial interests and describes the ways FRA does it with particular examples (outcome 6).

Finally, in the paper author mentions the crucial role of rail transport in the economy of the US. Especially, he points to the importance of transportation of tons of goods by rail transport. Among them is the coal transported by Freight trail that plays a key role in economic growth to the US (outcome 1).

The third artifact: "Shipping Container"

The third artifact is a paper “Shipping Container” that comes from activity CA4. The paper discusses a particular technology in sea transportation, shipping containers, and issues related to them. I include this paper into Learning Outcomes Portfolio because the paper shows the author's awareness of intermodal transportation (outcome 9) and the history of its development (outcome 3). Special attention the author pays to the importance of local and international regulation in the sphere of shipping containers application. He notices that it is critical for resolving such issues as lack of international standardization, regulation of safety and security, the amount of custom work, and overtaxation (outcome 4 and 6).

Among problems the author discusses in this paper are both historical and contemporary ones. The story on the invention of intermodal transportation and shipping containers relates to the issue in the labor field, a painful process for workers of exchanging loaders to automatic gadgets (outcome 8). In addition, it is an example of the technological invention that has had a great influence on the efficiency of shipping and allowed construction of the integrated system of transportation, that author compliments with alternative technologies currently existing in today's shipping (outcome 5).


In conclusion, I would say that these three papers cover all types of learning outcomes of this course and may be a good representation of the student's achievements.

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