Essays on Federal Government

Gun Control

The ban on gun ownership in the United States was enacted in response to a number of recent shootings (Wellman 145). As a result, several controversies have erupted over whether possession of such devices, which have taken many lives, should be controlled. Notably, gun possession has been a political concept...

Words: 1482

Pages: 6


The Ripple Effects of Obamacare on Small Businesses The ACA was adopted by the 111th Congress of the United States in 2010. At the moment, no one would have imagined that Obamacare's appeal would later have damaging consequences on US entrepreneurs. Small company owners feel a lot of ripple effects. Obamacare's...

Words: 674

Pages: 3

A New Pharmaceutical Has Been Approved

The Process of Bringing a New Drug to Market The process of bringing a new drug to market is typically lengthy and involves several steps. As a result, the procedure may take a long time to complete, and even then, only a tiny percentage of pharmaceuticals produced can pass the examination....

Words: 586

Pages: 3

Melquiades Rafael Martinez Ruiz

Mel Martinez: A Brief Biography Melquiades Rafael Martinez Ruiz, usually referred to as Mel Martinez, was born in October 1946. He was a former congressman and lobbyist who served from 2005 to 2009 as the Florida Representative for the United States of America (Tanne, 2009). Political Career He has served when Gorge Bush...

Words: 680

Pages: 3

Sustainable Groundwater Management Act

The California Legislature and the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) The California Legislature passed the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) in August of 2014. The Act's aim was to collaboratively develop and enforce integrated groundwater management policies at the state and regional levels in California. The SGMA needs the establishment of...

Words: 1306

Pages: 5

A Witch Hunt in the War on Drugs

Many illicit drugs, such as cocaine, marijuana, and opium, and other psychedelics, have long been used by people for medical, spiritual, and recreational purposes. However, some have been made illegal in the last century, while others have remained legal, raising the question of why the disparities exist. As a result,...

Words: 1661

Pages: 7

Political Compromises

In the constitution, the laws upholding people's interests in a country are enshrined. Although the world does not have a global government, there are several separate constitutions around the world. The rules of a nation may, however, be altered at a given moment based on political philosophies (Clark 1421). Congress...

Words: 1909

Pages: 7

Drug abuse

Drug misuse is a major threat to many countries worldwide today as a result of its detrimental threats to health and national security. Illegal drugs are killed every year by millions of lives that are endangering both development and consumer nations in social, economic, and political terms. It is a...

Words: 367

Pages: 2

Training Day Movie

The main characters in the film, Training Day The main characters in the film, Training Day, are Ethan Hawke and Denzel Washington (Tatti, 2015). The film shows the true lives of two Los Angeles cops participating in the War on Drugs in the narcotics department. Hawke portrays rookie policeman...

Words: 334

Pages: 2

Federalism and McCulloch V. Case Debate in Maryland

In the Constitution, the concept of federalism is laid down to abolish the sharing of duties between the government and the states by creating a balance between them. In the constitution, it is often considered important for its attempt to help people recognize the obligations delegated to the federal and state...

Words: 324

Pages: 2

Congressional Ethics

The ethics of Congress The ethics of Congress applies to the actions, the senators, and the legislators are expected to comply with uniform rules and laws regulating the members of Congress. The Office of Legislative Ethics was established in 2008 and is responsible for evaluating and supervising the behavioral ethics of...

Words: 940

Pages: 4

The Summary of Richard Fenno

Richard Fenno tells the listener of the constituency's view through the post. As such, he emphasizes a constituency's conceived perception as a district that can be represented in four different viewpoints. They are the geographical constituency, the constituency of re-election, the main constituency, and the personal constituency. Based on the...

Words: 293

Pages: 2

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