Essays on Experience

The Importance of Self-Esteem

Self-esteem refers to the confidence people have in their abilities. In this respect, it reflects the emotion of a person when making important decisions and significantly determines the success rate. Individuals with a low level of self-esteem commonly feel depressed or defeated and might portray a negative attitude (McLeod, 2008)....

Words: 348

Pages: 2

Cognitive Psychology

Behavioral measures employed in cognitive psychology refer to the recording of observed behaviors by researchers. The focus of psychology is based on the actual actions of people instead of unobserved behaviors such as emotions, moods, and thoughts (Catling " Ling, 2011). An example is where companies give promote their best...

Words: 688

Pages: 3

Benefits and Insights Gained From This Activity From The Perspective of A Client

Choosing career at the earliest stage in life is one of the aspects that determine the future. Notably, there are various factors that determine one’s career choice such as passion, employment prospects, and advice from career educators, counselors or family members.   Critical to underscore is that the need to make...

Words: 1996

Pages: 8


Feedback from an instructor to the students in an online setting is essential when handling online classes. Feedback should be in a way that encourages conciseness, clarity, and in a sense that makes the topic understandable (Mark et al., 2005). The information from the instructor makes learning effectively in an...

Words: 643

Pages: 3

Infidelity as a Hurtful Experience

Esther Perel’s TED talk on infidelity was an intriguing and transcendent talk that accurately captured the factors that contribute to affairs in marriages. Case in point, one aspect that Esther expounded upon as the provocative factor to engage in an affair, is the desire to be happy (Perel). In today’s...

Words: 613

Pages: 3

Base-Rate Fallacy

Base-rate fallacy is defined as an error in reasoning which someone commits when he or she makes a conclusion that fails to account for an earlier premise, usually a probability or base rate. In other words, it is a cognitive error which occurs when a person reaches a judgment of...

Words: 573

Pages: 3

Methodological Challenges in Studying Emotions

Emotion is defined as moving targets that are usually unfelt and unseen (Cole, Martin " Dennis, 2014). The emotions have to be inferred from proof of one's association to surrounding events. Conversely, emotion regulation denotes changes related to activated emotions. These comprise alterations in the emotion itself (changes in duration,...

Words: 895

Pages: 4

The Mechanism by Which People Express Their Feelings

Most people wonder why or how people react or respond to stimuli showing either happiness, anger, aggression, sadness or even surprise. Those wonders should be put to rest now because I am going to elaborate the mechanism by which individuals express their feelings about or for something or somebody. Emotions...

Words: 1504

Pages: 6

Case Study: Dissociative Identity Disorder

Dissociative identity disorder (DID) can be defined as a condition in which a victim experiences at least two distinct identities and each of the personality states consistently relates to the world in a particular manner. The sufferer experiences severe loss of memory to the extent that normal forgetfulness cannot be...

Words: 597

Pages: 3

The Importance of Decision Making

Deciding: Direct vs. Indirect Decision-Making Deciding has always been the most critical part of determining a good deed from a bad one. Arguments on such ends have always been controversial but, authors including Keer et al. (2010) and Ormrod (2004) have conceptualized the ideal ways of deciding. Direct Decision-Making According to Keer et...

Words: 310

Pages: 2

Supervision: A Review of Theory and Practice

Supervision can be described to be a social influence procedure which is conducted over a period, in which a supervisor ensures quality assistance to the subjects. Supervisors also act as mentors, observers or coaches who inspire and build an atmosphere which encourages and supports self-motivation and professional development (Dougherty, 2013)....

Words: 3671

Pages: 14

The Issue of Assisted Suicide

The primary issue that is trying to be resolved in the present case is where a man is ordered to face a murder trial after killing his suffering wife. The wife was suffering from terminal heart disease and Lou Gehrig's disease, and due to this condition, she was unable to...

Words: 1101

Pages: 5

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