The Role of Assumptions in Decision Making

As human beings, each and every one is different in his or her own way. The way one person thinks may be different from the other people despite being in a similar situation. One the factors that influences decisions and thinking are the assumptions made in a particular instance or situation. These assumptions are made on a daily basis mainly due to the emotions one could be facing, experiences which occurred in the past or expectations on a particular subject. According to researchers, making assumptions when making decisions is purely based on luck and chance. This means that it could go either way, win or loss. It is vital to test the assumptions before using them as a basis for decision making which could be misleading.

Some of the most applied assumptions are the over-reliance of political leaders as a source of reliable information, prediction of events based on past experience or seasons and ability to make conclusions based on specific information. Use of the three assumptions affects the expectations and planning. Due to the existence of the assumptions one will make plans to cater to the expectations. Therefore the assumptions form a key player and factor which affects and supports the decision and action one takes before undertaking any activity. Although the assumption may be correct, in case the event does not occur as it did before, it will lead to failure, disappointments, and losses. This is because one could have invested resources and emotions based on the assumptions which were misleading. For example, an assumption that it will rain in the month of June since it rained in the previous year may affect the dress code or other plans that had been earlier made.

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