Essays on Europe

Wars for Treasure

Should Ancient Artifacts Be Returned to Their Countries of Origin? For many years, there has been a continuous removal of artistic treasures from their locations of origin to new locations both through conquest or acts of invasion. Thus, the process of acquiring the cultural artifacts could be either felony or illegal....

Words: 997

Pages: 4


Overview of Mount Olympus Limited Mount Olympus Limited is a corporation that has been operating for the last 17 years. His registered office is in Gray, Athens. The company wants to grow and is finding financing for its business. This is an overview of the company s planned business financing. Partnership Formation Faisal...

Words: 1127

Pages: 5

Nature of Party System

Russian Political Parties Russia is a democracy with a multi-partisan structure. The Russian assembly, the state Duma, is made up of four political parties jointly. The leading political party in Russia is United Russia; Dmitry Medvedev heads it. Due to the amalgamation of many political parties, the party was established in...

Words: 578

Pages: 3

Who was Winston Churchill

Born on November 30 William Leonard Spencer-Churchill was educated in an aristocratic family in England's Oxford Shire in Blenheim Palace. His father, Lord Randolph, was an influential political figure in England, while his mother, Lady Randolph, was an American millionaire. Churchill did not have a tightly knitted friendship with his family...

Words: 969

Pages: 4

The Art of Baroque Period

Bernini’s Ecstasy of St. Teresa Bernini was a prominent sculptor in Rome. He worked on the sculpture of the Ecstasy of Saint Teresa between the years 1647 and 1652. Bernini created the chapel as a theater of his sculpture. The statue is set to a position above and behind the altar....

Words: 876

Pages: 4

Role and Lives of Women in Ancient Athens.

Ancient Greece has many enticing features that we can still remember today. It is the culture of elaborate mythology, involving gods, heroes, and various myths and legends, that enriches a large portion of literature and art. Antiquity's Greeks believed in the presence of multiple gods. They seemed to have a...

Words: 2071

Pages: 8

George Balanchine history

George Balanchine was born in the Russian city of Saint Petersburg. George is widely regarded as the ballet world's first contemporary choreographer. George was admitted into the Ballet unit of the prestigious Imperial Theater School in Saint Petersburg when he was nine years old (Jordan, Stephanie, p.147). George Balanchine graduated...

Words: 943

Pages: 4


Constructivism Constructivism, which emerged in Russia in the early twentieth century, was an architectural movement that arose from Vladimir Tatlin s experimentation with three-dimensional artwork (Ruder 16). As a result, artists felt that the object of their art was to serve a social purpose. In other words, through constructivism,...

Words: 362

Pages: 2

Film in British Culture

Movie is the most renowned medium of art in the present time and is more popular than industry in terms of prizes, contes and stars. Yet the British economy worth 4.8 billion pounds a year and in 2009 amassed over GBP 800 million of world trade surplus. Nevertheless, the cultural...

Words: 1427

Pages: 6

As a force, the United Kingdom

The United Kingdom as a Powerful Country The United Kingdom is among the world's most powerful countries. It covers areas such as Northern Ireland, Scotland, England, and Wales. The nation has a strong military and is the European Union's second-largest economy (Davis, Hartoonian, Van Scotter, & White 2007). The United Kingdom...

Words: 2099

Pages: 8

Trip to Athens-Delphi-Nafplion

This article of reflection is on my latest trip to one of the most beautiful sites in the world, Athens, and Delphi. The tour consisted of four days, from Thursday the 1st of June to Sunday the 4th of June, and it was like the sky, like all the good...

Words: 1982

Pages: 8

Religious Hate Crime in England and Wales

Religion is described as the collection of dogmas, values, practices, and feelings that describe the relationship between divinity and humans. The majority of religious sects are founded on an idealized account of a country or a prophet who taught his disciples the ideals of life (, 2018). Hindus, Muslims, Christians,...

Words: 1982

Pages: 8

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