Essays on Europe

Housing Industry in Poland

UK housing industry has improved tremendously over the last decade. The industry has expanded and increased its capacity, making home ownership affordable for a large segment of the population. Even though provision of housing facilities has risen in the past, high house prices continue to plunge individuals into huge debts...

Words: 4779

Pages: 18

The United Kingdom Independence Party's Impact on British Politics

The United Kingdom Independence Party is an example of how new political ideologies may have a transformational effect on the status quo by splitting the public opinion on contemporary issues. Established in 1991 by Alan Sked, London School of Economics Professor, UKIP’s influence in the political scene has vastly grown...

Words: 1303

Pages: 5

Impacts of Terrorist Attacks on People's Perception of London as a Touristic Destination

The purpose of the research is to evaluate the impacts of terroristic attacks on people’s perception of London as a tourism destination. The problem which the study intends to solve is to gauge the possibility of terror attacks affecting the London’s tourism especially noting that the industry employs several people...

Words: 3044

Pages: 12

Investing in Eastern Europe

The main purposes of setting up EU (European Union) was to establish a region of peace between neighbors. This effort was initiated in 1950 when European Coal and Steel community decided to unite various European countries through politics and economic matters so as to avoid any bloody wars between or...

Words: 1715

Pages: 7

Effects of Brexit on Multinational Companies in the United Kingdom

The First Effect of Brexit: Increased Merger and Acquisition (M&A) Transactions The first effect of Brexit on multinationals in the UK is increased merger and acquisition (M A deals shot by 32% while deals worth $234.5bn were completed in 2017 (Latorre, Olekseyuk, and Yonezawa, 2017, p.7). Other statistics indicate that by...

Words: 700

Pages: 3

The Impact of the Eastern Enlargement on the Business Environment

The European Union (EU) is seen to be one of the most successful political and economic unions in history. Since the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1951 by the EU’s six founding countries (Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and Netherlands) which created the European Coal and Steel Community,...

Words: 4946

Pages: 18

Comparison of Smart Cities in London and Barcelona: A Case Study

London practices bottom-up with a networked-driven collaboration between organizations. Also, London Changed the mayor which altered the ‘smart’ strategy in London by prioritizing social inequality projects. . Current Smart Metropolitan Transitions London underwent transition from multi-stakeholder approach to Citizen Sensing Current Smart City-Regional Transitions The city...

Words: 4359

Pages: 16

Private Residential Land Developers in urban Zambia and Lusaka

In Zambia, the provision of residential land which is serviced has been on the National Housing Authority (NHA). However, in the recent past, there has been an increase in private residential land developer providing residential housing. Despite their focus on meeting the housing demand in the country, private residential land...

Words: 4667

Pages: 17

Business Environment in the CEE Region

If one would have desired to start a business, it would have been difficult a decade ago. However various improvements in starting a business have been put in place as the years of various CEE countries in EU increased. Currently there has been a great improvement of business environment in...

Words: 1653

Pages: 7

The Impact of Brexit on Unilever

Despite the Brexit Vote, Unilever Faces Negative Impact Despite having its presence felt in over 130 countries, Unilever which is a consumer giant would still be negatively impacted by the Brexit vote (Campbell 2016, p.13). A vote to move Britain organization out of the European Union would greatly influence service delivery...

Words: 782

Pages: 3

The Impact of Brexit on Multinational Companies Based in the UK

Brexit has caused several uncertainties and implications for trade relations in the UK (Yueh, 2017, p. 55). That is, there are uncertainties about the long-term impact of Brexit on multinational companies that had their headquarters in the UK before Brexit, such as the Unilever and Vodafone companies among others. Notwithstanding,...

Words: 672

Pages: 3

Tomorrow’s Leaders Academy

1.0 Executive Summary The purpose of the proposed business venture, Tomorrow’s Leaders Academy, will be to provide daycare services to children of age bracket six weeks to 4 years. This will be done through the provision of a secure, safe, and serene environment for the ultimate goal of best child welfare....

Words: 4705

Pages: 18

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