Essays on Entertainment

As you go about writing your entertainment essay, remember that people were after “bread and circuses” since the 1st century CE. There is no surprise that the entertainment industry has been on the rise ever since, captivating people's attention with cinema, theatre, music, and other ways to spice up the routine. Many entertainment essays nowadays feature more contemporary forms of entertainment – TV shows, YouTube videos, podcasts, live streams, etc. Writing good essays on entertainment is not easy, as this topic provides an extra requirement for your work – entertainment essay should be not just informative, but also fun to read. We prepared some entertainment essay samples you can draw inspiration from. Our best samples of essays on entertainment are presented below for your viewing pleasure!

The Truth in Rashomon

Kurosawa's Rashomon: The Manufacture of Truth Kurosawa uses different narrators with flashbacks to narrate Rashomon story. The story is a crime-drama highlighting a murder of a samurai and the trial that is ensuing. Using flashbacks, the stories from three narrators -woodcutter, a priest and a commoner- differ drastically with a slight...

Words: 926

Pages: 4

Theater Stages

A theater can be described as an arrangement or structure where dramatic presentations are performed. The whole lot to do with theatre portrayals is quite interesting and fascinating. Most people have attended different theaters just to have a first-hand experience of what theatres produce. We show up at the theatre in...

Words: 822

Pages: 3

A Christmas Story

For my major this year, I decided to watch A Christmas Story: The Musical which was held in the grand theatre. The play is adapted from the perennial holiday movie starring Raphie parker who is a young bespectacled young man who schemes for a holiday gift of his dreams. In...

Words: 822

Pages: 3

The Elaborate Entry of Chad Deity

The "Elaborate Entrance of Chad Deity" The "Elaborate Entrance of Chad Deity" is an extremely hilarious and resonant play that was scripted by Kristoffer Diaz in 2009, although it made its debut in the production industry three years later. It was first performed in one of the most memorable productions at...

Words: 618

Pages: 3

Wilma Theatre's Mr. Burns, a Post Electric Play

The Show, Mr. Burns, A Post Electric Play The show, Mr. Burns, A Post Electric Play, by Wilma Theatre explores the aftermath of the changes a society experiences after a catastrophic event brought down the electricity grid. Partnerships with Corporate Organizations The Wilma theatre has promotional measures put in place to attract the...

Words: 587

Pages: 3

Stage Management

Stage Management Techniques Stage management techniques incorporate a variety of practices for effective theatrical productions. Stage management involves overseeing the rehearsal process and coordination of communication among personnel and production teams. Effective stage management requires a deep understanding of various aspects of production and requires organizational support to support smoothness of...

Words: 324

Pages: 2

The Meaning of Hair

Hair: A Celebration of Youth and Rebellion Hair can be described as excellent over the top production responding to the short moment in History of Americans when the youthful idealism and outrage appeared to control the world. Hair, by the title, merely means a celebration of vitality and the youth. The...

Words: 871

Pages: 4

The Journey of Good Deeds

The Main Idea of the Play The main idea of the play is that the journey of righteousness is a long journey and everyone is entitled to create his or her account that shall determine one's fate after death. It is very apparent that everyone needs support and they have been...

Words: 882

Pages: 4

The Production of Curious George

The Show at DeBartolo Performing Arts Centre The show was performed at the DeBartolo Performing Arts Centre inside the delightful Patricia George Decio Theatre under the production of Theatreworks USA –a professional art company which targets the young people and their families with their theatre across the US. The show is...

Words: 611

Pages: 3

Analysis of August Wilson's Fences

August Wilson s Fences is among the most outstanding and compelling literary works of all time regarding its style, character, plot, and rhythm organization. This essay analyzes Wilson Fences based on the following elements. First, plot. The storyline of...

Words: 298

Pages: 2

Moana: Detailed Review

Moana's Awards and Nominations: Moana was nominated for an AARP Annual awards for Grownups who refuse to grow up in 2017 John Musker, Ron Clements, and Osnat Shurer: John Musker, Ron Clements, and Osnat Shurer were nominated for the academic awards as best animated feature in 2017. Lin - Manuel Miranda: Lin - Manuel Miranda...

Words: 1388

Pages: 6

Role of Performance in Theatre

Normally, performance is thought of as a form of entertainment and art. However, in reality, people have been performing throughout in our social world.  For instance, in the professional situations, individuals have been playing roles and presenting carefully prepared images to other people. They have mastered the art of presenting...

Words: 1083

Pages: 4

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